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2009 Year in Review
2009 Year in Review


2009 Year in Review
Description: Well, I guess this has become tradition by now since it's the 3rd time for this. 2009 was a much less productive year than the year before (are we noticing a trend here)? Though as usual, I'm happy with the pieces that I did manage to produce. It's hard for me to pick out any standout favorites this year, since there are so few and I love them all, with each having taken turns as my wallpaper either at work, at home, or on my laptop.

So, which were your favorites of 2009?

The keen-eyed among you might notice that the thumbnail for "Not Avatar: Daru" has changed, and yes that means the image itself has changed, so go back and look at it if you want to see the difference or missed it altogether. :)

Thanks again to everyone who stops by to enjoy my artwork and a special thanks to those who take the time to leave comments!
Date: 12/31/2009 08:32 PM
Hits: 26591
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Rating: 5.00 (2 Vote(s))
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Added by: Giolon

Author: Comment:
Logan Blackisle

Join Date: 10/24/2007
Comments: 4

Have to say, my favourite of the year was definitely the Valentine's pic with Rena - though all of the images were awesome in their own right.
01/01/2010 03:55 PM Offline Logan Blackisle loganblackisle at

Join Date: 12/10/2006
Comments: 31

My favourite ones are the beach ones of Lana and Daru. Followed closely by the warrior princess garden picture. I do notice the trend over the past few years to produce less art, its a shame for your fans but I guess you lack the time or inspiration (I hope its not the latter) to make more art. I am happy with what I get :)
01/02/2010 01:39 PM Offline Bonafide

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187

It would be tricky for me to pick an absolute favourite because you have produced some excellent images (as you always do, and without intending to come across as a butt kisser).

There might have not been that many images but you couldn't deny the quality and appeal of each one. If I really could single out some favourite images, I would say the ones of Tyrena, Ciel and Oola.

Ciel I am naturally biased about because I adore her and it was a wonderful and sexy image of her. Oola's image I found beautiful to behold as well. There is something about the way you portray her or at least the way I perceive your version of her that makes me think how cute she looks and how much I want to cuddle her. It is almost as if she is shy and lacks confidence about her beauty and sexuality. As if she is trying so hard to match the magnetism and outwards allure of the other Twi'lek girls but never feels like she can compete, even though she is just as hot. The image "Does this make me look fat?" makes her look as if she is saying "Am I pretty?" to which I want to tell her, "Yes, sweetheart. You look gorgeous!"

Tyrena is a fantastic new creation. Although I might have already kind of oversold the word with my comments about Oola and Ciel, Tyrena really is a beauty. Her face and her hair, as well as her figure, are truly splendid. The best image of her so far, at the time of writing, is of her in the garden. It is a marvellous image. All the comments I made at the time I still stand by. It is a scene I just want to be part of.

So there are my favourites, but that by no means leaves the other images of the year trailing behind. I had a quick look at the other images of the year just so I could compare them all side by side. I was looking at Rena in her Valentine image and thinking "Phwoar, yeah!" and seeing how sweet, saucy and kinky she looks in that bikini. Rena looks to be saying, "Do you like me?" or "What do you think of me?". To which I think you would either respond by drooling or having a big, toothy grin that, if the wind changed direction (like parents and grandparents used to tease children with), you'd be stuck like that, spending your days looking like the world's biggest optimist.

Kaiya is a lady you would be proud to be with too. A pretty, elven face and lovely white hair. She also has a truly delightful cleavage. And I defy anybody not to be distracted by that in her 2009 picture!
01/03/2010 03:04 AM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at

Join Date: 06/06/2006
Comments: 22
Happy New Year

Happy new year to everyone 8-) and especially to you, Giolon. I hope 2010 will bring you inspiration in work and life.
01/03/2010 03:21 PM Offline Thomas kempo-kay at

Join Date: 05/16/2009
Comments: 44
Happy (very late :P) 2010!

Hope this year brings some very good new images from you, Giolon. (Daru!!!!!!!!) I have some requests that may give you some inspiration:

-A Twi'lek or Human stormtrooper (we haven't seen any of those yet.)

-A Human Imperial officer (neither have we seen this one.)

-Ciel with a new outfit.

These are just some ideas. You're probably really busy with other stuff, but, if you happen to have some spare time. But most of all: just keep up the great work, Giolon.
01/20/2010 10:40 AM Offline Jawaman

Join Date: 04/06/2009
Comments: 38

I hope Giolon didn't abandon us.

Edit by Giolon: Be patient.
01/21/2010 05:55 PM Offline Impious

Join Date: 04/26/2009
Comments: 10
gute arbeit

gute arbeit hat leider etwas nachgelassen aber sonst sehr gut
01/25/2010 03:30 PM Offline über

Join Date: 04/26/2009
Comments: 10
oola need

oola wir zu weig gezeigt bitte öfters !!!!!!!
01/25/2010 03:34 PM Offline über

Join Date: 04/06/2009
Comments: 38

Giolon, maybe you could start playing Perfect World and draw inspiration for your artwork from PW chicks. I'd really like to see some half-naked Venos or winged elves.

Please don't take this the wrong way, no offense to anyone, if anyone is offended you have a thousand-and-one apologies from me, but it can't really be any "nerdier" than what you already make.
02/01/2010 07:32 AM Offline Impious
Saris Ka'al
Great job

Great works I am very impressed.
Valentine's pic was a nice one. ;)
02/06/2010 09:44 AM  

Join Date: 04/06/2009
Comments: 38

I wonder if Giolon is experiencing technical problems.
02/19/2010 11:05 PM Offline Impious

Join Date: 04/06/2009
Comments: 38

No offense Giolon, but I've noticed you make less images with each year.
07/19/2010 04:56 PM Offline Impious

Join Date: 05/12/2006
Comments: 144
@Impious - RE: less per year

Is that supposed to be news to me? XD
07/22/2010 09:49 PM Offline Giolon giolon at

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