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Home/Star Wars/Twi'leks/R3-Q8, Does This Make Me Look Fat?
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R3-Q8, Does This Make Me Look Fat?
R3-Q8, Does This Make Me Look Fat?


R3-Q8, Does This Make Me Look Fat?
Description: I thought the title would be funny. XD (The answer is obviously, "No, of course not."!)

Here's a dose of Oola getting ready to go out for a night on the town (planet?) since she's been hiding out too long.

More thoughts may come, but let me just say this was a beast to render with all those reflections. It took a long time to find a camera angle that worked well on this set. This one's not quite perfect. I added Aurebesh lettering to a lot of the furniture in here (including "Oola" on the bed covering and "Sexy" on the ceiling lamp) that unfortunately can't be seen. Hopefully I'll be making use of this apartment again in the future. Maybe some of the girls room together on Coruscant.

Be sure to pick up the hi-res on this one.
Keywords: Oola, Bikini, Star Wars, Twi'lek, Astromech, R2, R3
Date: 04/24/2009 07:21 PM
Hits: 53834
Downloads: 1283
Rating: 5.00 (16 Vote(s))
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Added by: Giolon

Author: Comment:

Oola i can only answer that question after i have seen you without the clothes, OBVIOUSLY...
04/25/2009 11:08 AM  
i love it

honestly, ive never been big on oola's pictures, but this one is definitely a keeper. I love it.
04/25/2009 03:08 PM  

In all honesty, Oola was always my second least favourite. I can't really explain it, but I never really liked her, except for the one with her wading in a bikini (image_id=58). But this one: WOW! She's absolutely stunning!

And to answer her question: No, she doesn't; hell, she needs to eat more!. Are those ribs poking through? What've you been feeding her? :P
04/25/2009 11:15 PM  

Join Date: 04/06/2009
Comments: 38

Well, frankly I'm not amused by the title. But don't take offense to that, Giolon. The image is excellent. I enjoy the multiple angles without multiple images.
04/26/2009 07:43 PM Offline Impious

Join Date: 06/12/2008
Comments: 18

You know it's a good thing I check this site... or I'd have had to wait for a bit. *grins* I love the reflections, and just so you know your hard work didn't totally go to waste... I can see some of the writing on the sheet, barely but I can see it!
04/28/2009 04:08 AM Offline Sioned01

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187

Giolon, this is just superb! For some reason I had a feeling Oola would be making another appearance at this point. I'm happy to see her again as I was wondering where she was hiding.

I like the caption because, any possible thoughts of anorexia or other similar things aside, I can picture myself standing in front of her while she spins around, wiggling this way and that, asking if she looks okay, while my eyes are taking in every inch of her.

She would be innocently saying:

"Does my bum look big in this? Does this thong make my cheeks stick out too much?" *Grabs them in both hands, giving them a bit of a wiggle and a squeeze.*

"Are my breasts looking saggy" *Cups her breasts, pushing them this way and that.*

"Do my lekku make my legs look fat?" *Swings her lekku with a flick of her head. Puts her hands on her hips and juts out one leg.*

And I would respond in the following manner:

".... .......... I-er...sorry, what were you saying?"

As I try to pop my eyes back into my head, all the while wondering why it feels hot in the room.

She is looking fantastic in this scene, I think. Despite others saying they don't find her as appealing as your other Twi'leks and myself having Ciel as my all-out favourite, I have always had a soft spot (or should that be...ahem, a hard spot) for Oola. I've always thought your version of her makes her look very cute and if nobody else wants her, I would be more than happy to give her a good home.

I like how the light catches her face in this. Her eyes look very vivid and her mascara looks just right. I can see how she got herself looking all glamorous for the evening.

Her outfit is excellent as well. I like the mix of metal and transparent material. It looks deliberately skimpy and revealing, while still looking fashionable and tasteful (not to mention tasty). I especially like her heels and the slight tilt of her foot, as if she is genuinely admiring herself and thinking how hot she is looking (although not to the point of vanity).

The lighting makes her body look beautifully toned and shapely. Her stomach is delightful in particular.

As for the rest of the scene, I really like that too. The multiple reflections make the scene look very effective in general but I also like the colours and how they contrast neatly with Oola herself. Almost everything stands out nicely. Possibly the only thing that may have improved the image would have been to have had a droid with a solid dome instead of a transparent one. The only reason I have suggested that is because, due to only seeing a small part of it, you can't truly tell from the initial glance if it is a droid or some futuristic piece of furniture.

Also, jokingly, it is a shame that the central mirror's framework obscures her bottom. I bet that would have been a lovely sight in that outfit. I think, as a follow-up picture somewhen you could feature her from the rear in that outfit, maybe with all of the other Twi'leks in a similar rear pose. They could all be standing side by side. Maybe you could call it "Sweet Cheeks" or "Battle Of The Booty/Bottoms", or something else similarly cheesy. I'm guessing it may be a rather popular image and I would elect to see it, if only because I reckon Ciel would want to challenge Oola to see who has got the juiciest, most spankable bottom in a metal bikini.

But that aside, for this image alone right now, I think this is one of your best looking images to date.
04/28/2009 09:28 AM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at

well almost. i just cant put my finger on but something seems... just missing. out out of place... i dunno, i luv it anyway!!!
04/29/2009 10:35 AM  

Fantastic work! Keep her coming!
04/29/2009 10:38 AM  

Join Date: 06/06/2006
Comments: 22
Mirror... My dear mirror ^_^

Sure the question doesn't seem to be the right one. Just let me remember... Hey 8-) I'm not sure, but it could be something like "who's the fairest one of all ?" 8-P. Oola can be convinced that she hasn't to be jealous of Ciel, Rena, Lana and Daru.
04/29/2009 02:12 PM Offline Thomas kempo-kay at
This pic is...

PERFECT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
05/03/2009 12:59 AM  

Join Date: 04/05/2009
Comments: 5
well done

Very nice image, is Oola a little dumb?
05/04/2009 03:32 PM Offline xboxomen
Oola is...

so amazing sexy in this pucture!!!
05/08/2009 12:04 PM  

Join Date: 04/26/2009
Comments: 10

05/20/2009 11:08 PM Offline über

Join Date: 04/05/2009
Comments: 5
good job

great....enough said....
05/24/2009 02:18 AM Offline xboxomen

Join Date: 08/21/2009
Comments: 1
Too Hot!!!

Fantastic pic!!! Wish I could do stuff like that!!!
08/21/2009 10:58 PM Offline Darque

There is no way Oola looks fat!!!!!!!!
12/03/2009 04:10 PM  
Boomerang Flash

Join Date: 02/23/2010
Comments: 9

Well, now I've gone through all the images on the site, and I have to say, I think Oola is my favorite. Don't get me wrong, all of your Twi'lek girls are insanely beautiful. However, the other four usually have extremely confident expressions on their faces, like they wouldn't hesitate to put you in a headlock or kick your in the nards if you gave them any trouble. And there's something sexy about that, no doubt about it.

Oola, however, usually looks more shy and vulnerable. Exactly why that gets my testosterone production into high gear, I couldn't tell you, but it does.

Of your original creations, Ciel is my favorite. I wonder, was she in any way named after L'Arc en Ciel, the Japanse band that did several of the theme songs for Fullmetal Alchemist?
02/24/2010 01:29 AM Offline Boomerang Flash

Join Date: 08/19/2011
Comments: 104
come on oola,

pick me up, take me home, take your close off, and layb me down.... and you ppl get the pipiture... ;D
08/19/2011 01:59 PM Offline hibyeme

Join Date: 08/19/2011
Comments: 104
can I

be her date?
09/28/2011 12:03 PM Offline hibyeme

Join Date: 08/19/2011
Comments: 104
she WOULD get

looking fat if she shared that room with me! "wink wink!"
10/05/2011 04:49 AM Offline hibyeme

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