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Busty Elves in Peril: Run Alis, Run!
Busty Elves in Peril: Run Alis, Run!


Busty Elves in Peril: Run Alis, Run!
Description: Giolon: This picture has made me laugh ever since the first work in progress I saw.

Chimera46: With the days growing longer and warmer Alis decided to get her hair done and then go for a lovely walk in a meadow. Too bad this giant boar confused the smell of her "Honeydew Springfresh" shampoo for something he should eat.

As anyone who knows wild boars can tell you, they are big, ugly, will eat anything, aren't afraid of anyone, and WILL charge.

Also, I'm told they're delicious ;)
Keywords: boars, BOARS, BOARS!
Date: 03/10/2009 09:55 PM
Hits: 65670
Downloads: 194
Rating: 5.00 (5 Vote(s))
File size:
Added by: chimera46

Author: Comment:

Excellent work! Your BEIP series is top notch! How about a Busty Twi'leks In Peril series?
03/13/2009 08:35 AM  

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187

Now that is one big, mean looking boar!

This is a great looking picture. The perspective is excellent. You can almost hear and feel the thunder of hooves. Alis looks positively and understandably terrified.

Looking at the title and seeing Alis' red hair obviously reminds me of the film "Run Lola, Run". It makes me wonder if this particular tale of Alis would have three different outcomes, all to the sound of fast paced techno music as she runs hell for leather through the field.

If she ever does survive (and she always does, thankfully), someone should tell her that when using shampoo, not to go for anything citrus smelling either. Cats don't like citrus and there are some damn huge cats out in the wild. :)
03/14/2009 02:59 PM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at
That's a LOT of bacon!

Wow, that's...never good for you. Excellent render, I like how the boar's just slightly out of focus, so you can still see detail but you're drawn to Alis.

...I can't resist: In Soviet Russia, boar eat YOU!!
03/15/2009 11:34 AM  

Join Date: 06/12/2008
Comments: 18
Yep I'm a girl

I love the picture... but I'm totally wondering what outfit that is

and when she's going to kick the boar's butt for making her mess up her freshly done hair!

p.s. Love her nails. Where'd she have them done?
p.p.s. Do they also come in French tips?
03/19/2009 04:13 AM Offline Sioned01

Join Date: 05/15/2006
Comments: 71
Sioned01's questions

The outfit is a mix of the Destroyer for V4, a V3 top that has been heavily modified by me and then converted for V4, the boots and wrist gauntlets from the Golden Arrow set for V4, and the little crests are an old shield freebie scaled down and parented to the clothing. Just about everything has been re-textured, and if you look closely you'll even see a little chimera on each crest.

I did the nails, I think I missed my calling ;)
03/19/2009 03:00 PM Offline chimera46 chimera46 at

Join Date: 06/12/2008
Comments: 18
totally did

Can you do mine next?! *holds out her hands*

See I rarely mix and match clothing. I used to have ton before the great computer crash *sad face* but since then I've rebuilt my library with V4 stuff only as that's what all my models are now. Used to have them all in V3, but I love the texture of the V4 skins and the ease of the morphs.
03/21/2009 06:59 AM Offline Sioned01

I like the color of her hair and the boar. But her face looks like Gollum from LOTR lol. The biggest thing though is that I love her clothes. I'm not too sure about the boots, I'd have to see them but her top and bottom are amazing. It's a really creative way to make clothes.
05/19/2009 04:54 PM  

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