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Lana by JElwood
Lana by JElwood
Comments: 6

Home/Guest Gallery/Six
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Description: Giolon - I'm a big fan of where Chimera's taken his "Six" character, even though I'm not familiar with Tripping the Rift. She just looks great!

Chimera - I've been working on a "Six" character for a while now, and though there's still more work to do (there always is), I'm glad how this one turned out, especially the dress. I'm glad Gio likes it too, and I am of course very grateful that he's willing to host it here.
Keywords: Tripping, the, Rift, chimera46
Date: 08/20/2008 06:23 PM
Hits: 86069
Downloads: 357
Rating: 4.56 (9 Vote(s))
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Added by: chimera46

Author: Comment:

i also have no clue what tripping the rift is, but i do love all the art you make
08/20/2008 09:21 PM  

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187

I'm also very grateful to Giolon, for uploading this image on his site. I'm only just getting to know about "Tripping The Rift", thanks to Chimera, and I am liking Six more and more as time goes on.

The higher resolution of this image really enables me to get close enough to count the threads in her short, tasty outfit...and then try to peer through the threads to see the joyous celebration that lies underneath.

Or, seeing as she is an android, I could just tell her that I have Administrator rights and tell her to undress. >:-)
08/23/2008 03:27 PM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at
Tripping the Rift

Great image for a great show!
09/14/2008 09:22 PM  
Great work.

Too bad the movie was so-so, the characters deserved something epic.
09/29/2008 07:47 AM  
Great job!

Awesome work. I loved Tripping the Rift. I want a sex-bot... :(
11/23/2008 09:24 PM  

*Edited by Giolon: Comment constructively on the image or not at all*
12/21/2008 05:50 PM  

Other than the comment that Giolon 'edited', the image was fine.
12/23/2008 01:54 PM  

Join Date: 06/12/2008
Comments: 18
Poser or DAZ?

Ok... absolutely love the image, the way the lights play on the skin, but I really have to ask.

How do you get the skin to look so realistic? Do you use Poser or DAZ? Because my Poser renders look absolutely horrible (in my opinion) as opposed to doing the exact same (with minor adjustments cause obviously you can't import .daz into poser *sad face* ) pose, clothing, skin texture in DAZ where I see actual pores and skin texture, ect.

Is there a trick I'm missing here? Haven't used Poser very long.
03/19/2009 04:19 AM Offline Sioned01

Join Date: 05/15/2006
Comments: 71
Sioned01's Questions

I use Poser.

I can't take credit for the skin. The skin textures used here are a slightly modified version of the Helena texture set by Liquid Rust, available over at Daz3d. Liquid Rust does great work, and has set up the shaders in the advanced materials room to get the skin to come out looking as it does. That said, there are some great free skin shader presets you can get, there should be a great one over at RDNA, I just forget who made it.

Beyond that, using some image based lighting will give you more realistic results than the default lighting in Poser. The newer versions of Poser even come with Image based lighting and HDRI presets, they just never set it as the default. If you use it, you may have to read up on render settings to make sure that when you render you actually take advantage of all this stuff.

So, if you learn the ins and out of Poser's material room, lighting and render settings, you can get some great results out of the program.
03/19/2009 03:15 PM Offline chimera46 chimera46 at

Join Date: 03/09/2012
Comments: 1
I <3 Tripping the Rift

Awesome! Six is one of my favorites.
03/09/2012 08:16 PM Offline dark_kit2000

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Busty Elves in Peril: Run Alis, Run!  
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Balancing Act


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