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Home/Fantasy/Long Time, No See
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Long Time, No See
Long Time, No See


Long Time, No See
Description: "Kaiya! Long time, no see! Where've you been?" you inquire.

"Me? I've been around. Perhaps you just weren't looking hard enough?" she replies demurely with a hint of a smile.

Happy Belated New Year, everyone!

This Kaiya image was supposed to make it by Dec 30th, but it didn't and unfortunately that means she didn't appear in all of 2008! However, this image today gives her the honor of being the first of my girls to show her face in 2009. Those following her appearances may notice that she's taken a bit of a haircut and acquired some better skin shaders. I wanted to bring her up to the level of satisfaction that I have with Shina, though now I feel Shina needs a revision pass!

This image was my first experimentations with Poser's Dept of Field feature. In the past I'd always faked it with Photoshop. Boy, does it ever add to rendering times! Thanks to chimera46 for feedback during its creation. :)

Thanks for looking, and especially to those taking the time to leave comments

Hi-res includes studio portrait version:
Keywords: Kaiya, Elf
Date: 01/04/2009 02:13 PM
Hits: 26456
Downloads: 520
Rating: 4.84 (13 Vote(s))
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Added by: Giolon

Author: Comment:

Good work, but after all this times, shouldn't you show a bit more? But I judge by the work, not the content. So this is getting the 5.
01/04/2009 03:58 PM  

pretty cool picture, im more into the twilek pics but i really do like this one
01/04/2009 04:08 PM  

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187

Wow, I really like this one! Great close-up of her and superb colours all round. Everything looks nice and clean and well defined. The blurred background is very effective in giving her plenty of attention in the close-up, while keeping everything looking colourful and warm. In fact it would make for a nice Spring or Summer image.

Kaiya is looking more lovelier than ever. Her hair looks excellent. Her white hair and eyebrows matching the colour of her eyes just nicely. I like the way she is looking too. A little bit raunchy I think. It makes me wonder what is on her mind.

Her skin looks very realistic too, especially on her body. I've also got to say, her cleavage looks very sexy! Her breasts look rather packed inside that top of hers. You really could park a bike in that.

I am assuming by DoF you mean Depth of Field? Not using Poser, I am just guessing. I had wondered about her breast and the texture of the garment covering the right breast (on our right that is). Is that where it has been applied? I think it probably would have looked better without in this case, purely because only that section looks blurred. Also, despite having that wonderful firm cleavage that could swipe your credit card through, her breasts aren't so big that there would be a change in focus.

Anyway, that is a small detail and probably just a personal thing. I really like this image. It is great to see Kaiya again and also to see how fine she is looking!
01/04/2009 05:58 PM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at

Join Date: 05/12/2006
Comments: 144
Show More + DoF = Depth of Field

Show More - I'll assume that's a request for a full body shot, rather than skimpier clothing, so if that's the case, it should hearten you to know that the work for this image was in prep for all future images of Kaiya -- images that should appear before 2010. ;)

DoF = Depth of Field - Yep, you got it right. However, as for how deep the "in focus" range is, it's entirely dependant upon the f-stop of the camera. Taking pictures of small figures with my digital camera, I find that with particular settings as little as 3-4 inches can put a particular portion in or out of focus. In this particular render, an f-stop of 5.8 was used.

See for more information.
01/04/2009 06:12 PM Offline Giolon giolon at

Absolutely fantastic! A great start for the new year!
01/06/2009 07:15 AM  

Simply amazing man. Damm near looks real. Keep up the great work.
01/07/2009 08:01 PM  
Master Chief

Once again you have done one of the best pix ever. You do the best work of making pix like these that I have ever seen. Just wanted to say this a great way to kick-off the new year, 2553, I mean 2009 and hope to see more of Daru soon, she's my favorite.
01/15/2009 12:38 AM  

Very nice picture! I like the blurred background. It gives her face more detail, and most of all I love the lips.
01/28/2009 11:30 AM  
Red Ice 202
Well done

Really interesting closeup of the elf. I love how you blurred the backround to draw attention yet at the same time your mind "fills in" the space left by the blurred image giviing you a well contrasted image. Keep up the good work. =]
01/30/2009 08:52 PM  
Very nice!

This pic is awesome! Sorry tu push on you, but need another pic of Kayia! ASAP! :-)
02/07/2009 03:04 PM  

I now have her as my desk top I could stare at that face all day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG totaly perfect
02/09/2009 08:42 PM  

Hey Giolon, I have a request. Well, a few requests. I was hoping you could make pictures of Bastila from Knights of the Old Republic, and the Echani Handmaiden from Knights of the Old Republic II. I hope I spelled Echani right. ;)

I also would like Oola and Max in shadowplays! =D
02/10/2009 07:49 AM  

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The General's Daughter  
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Busty Elf in Peril? - Time for a Prayer


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