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Home/Everyday/Will You Be My Valentine?
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Will You Be My Valentine?
Will You Be My Valentine?


Will You Be My Valentine?
Description: It’s her!
That girl you see in the hall everyday!
The one you wish you could talk to!
She’s coming this way!
She walks up to you to say,
“Hey there, I’ve had my eye on you.
Will you be my Valentine this day?â€

Lana and I stayed up late so she could wish you a Happy Valentine's Day!

Cheesy, I know, but it's nearly 3AM.

Thanks for looking and for your comments!

Keywords: Lana Human Valentine's Day
Date: 02/14/2008 02:41 AM
Hits: 18226
Downloads: 289
Rating: 4.60 (5 Vote(s))
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Added by: Giolon

Author: Comment:

Very nice! I like the hair... and everything else! lol
02/14/2008 05:23 AM  

Join Date: 12/10/2006
Comments: 31

Did you change her face a little bit? It seems quite red in this. Cool picture though :)
02/14/2008 02:22 PM Offline Bonafide

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187

If she said those words to me, I'd be dreaming. Either that or she would be trying to lower my guard before an army of zombie terrorists crashed through the windows and rappelled from the ceiling. Or something.

Seriously though, this is a nicely done, simple yet effective image. It is rare to see Lana in human form and she does look good. I particularly like her hair colour. I also like her outfit here. It has a kind of French quality to it.

It's funny but when I compare the human version of Lana to the Twi'lek version, I get a different vibe. Aside from the image "The Guardian" and accepting there is really only this image, not to mention probably only being my interpretation, the Twi'lek version of Lana seems more like she would be more hands on with you. Less timid, less reserved and instead one that makes the first move, possibly wilder, more sexually aggressive and varied. She seems bigger and bolder in her Star Wars guise.

All that interpretation from basically seeing orange skin and lekku! :-p
02/16/2008 10:34 PM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at
Darth Assassin

Of course I'll be your valentine Lana (even though it's the 17th).

And Solaris_Wave, for the first part of your comment, I think you're crazy. Would someone as beautiful as Lana have you get attacked by an army of zombie terrorists?
02/17/2008 07:08 PM  

@ Darth Assassin It's a trap!
02/17/2008 10:17 PM  

Join Date: 05/12/2006
Comments: 144

Lana would never be involved in such a deceitful trick! ;)

And no, her face hasn't been changed. :)
02/18/2008 03:44 PM Offline Giolon giolon at

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187

Yes, you are all probably right. I'm sure I was just overreacting. It's Rena you have to watch out for! She's the one nearly always in the background, out of the limelight. She's the quiet one. Nobody suspects a thing. All the while, she is plotting, patiently waiting for her moment to strike.

Hell, maybe she even has an army of dark Jedi, secretly training in a secluded fortress on some insignificant backwater planet; waiting for her Call. Maybe to them she is known only as the "Red Queen". Inside the fortress, where they meditate, there is a giant statue of her, her arms outstretched past her luxurious bosom, with hands hovering in a talon like pose over a holographic image of the planet Coruscant.

We need to keep a closer eye on that cunning little minx.
02/19/2008 12:07 AM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at

I think you're just a little parinoid... lol

But yes I love Lana but I think that bringing her left arm behind her adds a nice touch to her overall form along with the large belt.
09/12/2008 06:34 PM  

*Edit by Giolon: Don't even go there.*
03/07/2009 01:33 PM  

Join Date: 08/19/2011
Comments: 104

Ill be her valentine... -espeaily if she leds me her body-
08/29/2011 02:18 PM Offline hibyeme

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