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Never Give Up
Never Give Up


Never Give Up
Description: Giolon: I woke up this morning to find this awesome image in my inbox from Chimera46, along with his sympathies about my Hard Drive Problemsâ„¢. What an awesome gift! Download the image below to grab it in RadiantCG approved 4000x3000 300dpi super high-resolution!

Chimera: This one was surprisingly easier on my system than I would have thought, and overall I'm pleased how well the rancor held up in hi-res even though the texture is just 250k and is touted as "low-poly". For those who are interested, this Rancor was made by Zachary Brakin and Tom Miller, with poser rigging by David Deschamphelaere. This FREE item is available for download at Vanishing point ( and as I found is a lot of fun to play with.
Keywords: Rancor, oola, star, wars, jedi, hutt, jabba, fett
Date: 09/08/2007 02:16 PM
Hits: 41975
Downloads: 619
Rating: 5.00 (8 Vote(s))
File size:
Added by: chimera46

Author: Comment:

That is good that rancor is scary! I love the texture and the dynamic lighting.
09/08/2007 03:13 PM  

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187
Double Wow!

To Chimera:

This is brilliant! You've really managed to capture the awe of what a Rancor looks like. The angle looks great and gives plenty of emphasis to both the Rancor and Oola (or a similar looking, bustier, more feisty Twi'lek that wins through).

This occasion though there is no time to wait for Luke and his pitching skills. Guess I need to roll my sleeves up and get in there, lol.
09/08/2007 10:47 PM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at

It's a very inspiring image, hope against adversity.
09/10/2007 08:14 AM  

I feel so sorry for the poor twilek... having to fight without anything on her feet :p i bet she could clamber up there and pull that rancors eyes out if she was in something more comfortable ^.^

4/5 lack of lighting from the glaring light above the rancor pit in the movies :p
10/13/2007 02:06 PM  

Join Date: 05/15/2006
Comments: 71
Slippers and such...

Fluffeh: While I can't argue with your interpretation of the movie lighting, I wasn't going for an exact replica of the ROTJ scene, and in fact I was just recreating the scene from memory (i.e. I didn't use reference images). As for her footwear, she does in fact have black slippers on, though they are hard to distinguish given the shadow play and increased contrast.

C'est La Vie, though thanks for the critical comments, as they are always helpful.
10/13/2007 08:38 PM Offline chimera46 chimera46 at
crazy bob
im not a perv but

ive always thought it funny how it always shows cool full frontal of rancors that are usually thought of as dudes because of their "scariness" but how rancors never have anything where their "thing" is. I mean im i the only one thats noticed?SERIOUSLY THOUGH NICE IMAGE!A+:)
07/08/2008 02:25 AM  
exellent work but....

nah she might as well give up. she's rancor pudu.
10/03/2008 08:29 AM  
And you thought you were having a bad day at work...

Great looking picture!!! Poor Oola, to be eaten (and not in a good way) by this guy!
11/16/2009 02:54 AM  

Great picture! brilliant!
cheap purses
12/06/2010 01:28 AM  

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Hutt Labour Relations  
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Mine Fujiko


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