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Caught Off Guard - So Sexy!
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Hutt Labour Relations
Hutt Labour Relations


Hutt Labour Relations
Description: Giolon: I thought this was hilarious (not to mention an outstanding piece with great lighting, posing, and facial expression)! I'll leave anything further to Chimera.

Chimera46: The intention here was to make an image of someone REALLY laying into Jabba, seemingly without regard for their own life. In other words, someone who's either very brave or very stupid. A diva twi'lek who expects better working conditions seemed like a good bet. I really took my system to the limit and beyond trying to render this one, and with the exception of Jabba's skin (the texture is several years old and dated), I think it came out well. Anyways, Enjoy!
Keywords: Chimera46, Jabba, Hutt
Date: 01/06/2008 01:53 AM
Hits: 44497
Downloads: 329
Rating: 4.67 (3 Vote(s))
File size:
Added by: chimera46

Author: Comment:
Adar Ree

Awesome! I like the whole pose of her, really challenging and defying that Hutt!
01/06/2008 06:45 AM  

Maybe it isn't Jabba but a different Hutt...
01/06/2008 06:13 PM  

Join Date: 05/15/2006
Comments: 71
Is it Jabba?

The first line of the text clearly says that it's Jabba the Hutt. Okay, maybe it doesn't say that so clearly. I should have put more space between characters, it's looking a little squished...
01/06/2008 08:26 PM Offline chimera46 chimera46 at

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187
"You've been Rancored!"

Once again, Chimera, your sense of humour shines! This is a great scene and I love how she is sticking it to The Man (in this case, Big Bad Jabba).

I'm actually convinced that this Twi'lek girl didn't die. I reckon that Jabba dropped her into the Rancor's pit and when that big bugger stepped out looking for lunch, she stood there waving her finger at him. I bet she told the Rancor exactly what she thought of him, hurting his ego and putting him off dinner. The Rancor then started crying in the corner, like a big girl's blouse while she told him off for walking away from her. Then, she switched her attention to the Gamorrean guards as they carried her from the pit and back up to Jabba. By this time she is completely "on one" and Jabba's ears are starting to hurt. Even Salacious Crumb is no longer laughing. Jabba decides to throw her out the front gate of his palace where she can be left to squabble with the gate's eyeball droid.

Bib Fortuna realises he needs to cheer his boss up as quickly as possible and presents him with a new slave girl. It is none other than Oola. The rest, they say, is history.

Excellent image as always, Chimera!
01/06/2008 11:34 PM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at

01/08/2008 08:18 AM  

Join Date: 06/06/2006
Comments: 22
I want to know the end of the story

I always hated the scene of the twilek dancer which makes eaten by the rancor. It doesn't appears in the movie, but only to imagine it, that makes me sad :-(. Anyway, it's a great image and I'm agree with Solaris_Wave. In fact she didn't die, did she ? I want to know the end of the story :-)
01/12/2008 03:43 PM Offline Thomas kempo-kay at

Join Date: 06/12/2008
Comments: 18
Of course

Jabba would have a Lethan. Greedy ugly slug wormy thing... what is a Hutt anyway?

At any rate, gave me a good laugh this morning. Love the lights, the outfit, even the skin! Wow gorgeous color, and the piercings really set off her anger.
03/19/2009 04:31 AM Offline Sioned01

Join Date: 02/13/2010
Comments: 7

You should do each of the twileks with Jabba, that would be cool
02/24/2010 12:35 AM Offline Chaserpeach

Join Date: 09/11/2010
Comments: 2
I like this.

Very funny. =)
09/12/2010 12:22 AM Offline Burnnotice66

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