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Toil and Trouble
Toil and Trouble
Comments: 8

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Description: Here's one for the Ciel fans. :)

Update: Missing necklace material fixed. Please re-download if you already have done so. :)
Date: 09/15/2006 11:32 AM
Hits: 37327
Downloads: 1271
Rating: 4.92 (12 Vote(s))
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Added by: Giolon

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187

I've been wondering where Ciel has been! I was beginning to think she had been neglected or forgotten. Daru and Ciel have always been my faves but Ciel seems to have a certain exoticness that is all unique. And damn does she look hot wearing that metal bikini and headdress. Not to mention the arm bands and bracers, and those shoes that show off her toes.

As for the particular comments on this picture, I think the various shadows in this look marvellous. The scene looks like it is late afternoon and the sun will eventually be starting to set. Really good use of light, along with the shadows to emphasise on that.

Ciel looks gorgeous as always and I like her expression as she sits on her "throne" (her headdress will always help make her look regal). To me it looks like she is either thinking "what am I going to do with you?" or she is wondering what you are going to do or say next.

Lastly, I have said it before and I will say it again, her lipstick and nail varnish looks excellent against her lovely purple skin. Such a wonderful combination. I'd just thought I would mention that again because I remember some people didn't like it.
09/15/2006 12:27 PM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at

she and Daru are the hottest ones for sure. And your skin texture is working great they are staring to look more real!
09/15/2006 01:39 PM  

Join Date: 05/15/2006
Comments: 71

To add to my comment on 'osity. While I like the lighting here, assuming that light is coming from a sun and given the angle of the shadow, I would guess it's either dusk or dawn, which should mean that the light should be a little more reddish. Mind you, that's based on earth standard dawn/dusk colours, which I believe is caused by the nitrogen in out atmosphere. I could be wrong on this...
09/16/2006 12:17 AM Offline chimera46 chimera46 at

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187
My comment on the lighting

I would have to lightly disagree with Chimera46 here (even though I am a fan of his work and his Twi'leks). Like I mentioned in my first comment for this image, the lighting here looks like it is late afternoon, where it is coming up to Dusk but it won't occur for another hour. The sun is low but the light is still yellowish rather than orange. It also depends on what part of the planet you live on, the altitude of the location, the day's weather, temperature and atmospherics. Where I live in the UK, I see this lighting more often than the orange/reddish hue, even around the time that the sun is setting. Where my parents live in Spain, it looks a lot different (and much prettier).
09/16/2006 12:37 AM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at

Join Date: 05/12/2006
Comments: 144

Regarding the lighting: I actually specifically stripped the atmosphere of the redness. I know the sunlight that Solaris Wave is talking about here, even though that was not my specific goal. Right now it occurs about 4-4:30 in the afternoon. During the summer it hits at around 6:30-7pm or so.

Anyhow, the goal here was not perfect realism or ideal royal lighting. I simply adjusted the lighting until I found a balance that I liked among the play of the shadows of the bramble covering, the silhouette of the shadow on the chair, the specularity on the metal, and the shading of the skin.

Somewhat amusing to myself: the purely realistic atmosphere lighting in "Max Off Duty" was not red enough at the sun position I wanted, so I had to force more red into it, while in this image it was too red, causing me to strip it out.

As for the argument of not being on earth and/or having a different atmosphere composition, that's totally going to have to be my official response ;-P
09/16/2006 02:28 AM Offline Giolon giolon at

Join Date: 05/15/2006
Comments: 71
Then there you go

If it was a conscious choice then I guess I can't slam ya for your own preferences. At first I thought you were just being sloppy (which i've been know to be from time to time). I hereby retract my lighting critique.
09/16/2006 10:43 AM Offline chimera46 chimera46 at

Join Date: 05/12/2006
Comments: 144

No retraction necessary. It's always good to hear constructive feedback. :)
09/16/2006 04:01 PM Offline Giolon giolon at

taht chair looks loke something the Geonosions would build
09/16/2006 05:21 PM  

In Star Wars Galaxies, my character had a pink Twi'lek wife named Ciel, she was a big Rockman fan though... such a coincidense...
09/16/2006 06:13 PM  

Nice pic, one thing i will say though, is that the way she is sitting, maybe just from the angle/positioning of her hips, it looks like all her weight is on the leg that is tucked under, and against rock or stone (Whatever that thrones made of) thats gonna hurt.

Still lookin good though.

(BTW, i think i have to disagree with Darth_Omnis, I reckon Lana is hotter than iel, maybe even Daru, though it might be close ;))
09/17/2006 06:38 AM  

Fantastic pic, although don't quite like the grass background.
09/18/2006 10:05 AM  

I'm so glad I stumbled across this site, your artwork is great Giolon... & (like many here I suspect) Twileks are a personal favourite subject. ;)

One thing that really draws me to this piece (and others in the gallery) is the amount of character the image evokes: Ciel's colouring and dress, her posture, the setting, and even the title all work together so the image conjures an impression of the lady's possible persona and history as well as her appearance. 'Regal' indeed - every inch of her! That's the quality which, for me, makes good art great.
10/05/2006 01:53 PM  
Amazonas Queen

Here Ciel looks like some sort of inca or atztec queen. I almost want to neel before her .
04/02/2008 09:01 AM  

maybe you should make her look not so mad looking all the time
01/11/2009 11:47 AM  

Join Date: 02/13/2010
Comments: 7

Ciel is by far my favourite. It is the purple, as I've said before. You've really captured her regal character here.

Another spot on picture. Keep 'em coming
02/18/2010 12:58 AM Offline Chaserpeach

Join Date: 03/12/2010
Comments: 25
A silver bikini must be hell to work with

If you're still taking constructive criticism for past works, then I'm saying this only because I'm being honest about this one work. It's the way her legs are folded that the CGI becomes apparent.

I've worked with poser and know how often you get clothes and flesh cutting into each other, but this particular image has a rather obvious one to me. The way the right leg joins with the bottom piece of the bikini is physically impossible in the CGI program.

I think all you would have to do is extend the knee a little more to the right and the CGI distortion would be completely gone.

If you were to get back on this comment, if only to tell me it's not that simple; that would be appreciated.

Otherwise, this is quite simply an astounding piece of work.
03/19/2010 06:34 PM Offline Battleship_Agincourt

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Rena's Here for You


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