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Girls of the Rebellion: A-Wing
Girls of the Rebellion: A-Wing
Comments: 11

Home/Star Wars/Twi'leks/Reflections of Oola
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Reflections of Oola
Reflections of Oola


Reflections of Oola
Description: Hey there!

I know it's been a while again. Remember when I posted the last image, Beautiful Power, and I said I had a different image I had been working on before I built a new computer? Well, this is what it turned into!

This render was done with IBL (Image Based Lighting), something I'd like to experiment more with. I've never particularly been happy with the results I've gotten out of it, but I don't think too badly on this one.

With any luck, my next update should come on Monday for my birthday!

Yes, the reflection has errors, don't look too closely.
Keywords: Oola, Twi'lek
Date: 09/22/2011 09:26 PM
Hits: 50259
Downloads: 400
Rating: 4.14 (7 Vote(s))
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Added by: Giolon

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 04/14/2011
Comments: 14
Finelly ! (said The ROCK)

Its about time that one showd up !.

Gread job as allways...
(even though the last one was a bit scarry XD).

But honestlly cant you do them faster i cnow you dont hurry the artist but c'mon 3 months ?

(You like to torture us, dont You ? Just admit it...).
09/23/2011 08:23 AM Offline Sarenis

Join Date: 03/12/2010
Comments: 25

@ Sarenis:

I have a version of poser 6 myself and I can say creating something like this is HARD. I've never been successful at actually creating a new model or even integrating scenery without formal training in CGI. I'd have been among the first to make the same kind of comment, but try actually doing one of these and you'll realize how impossibly complex poser software is to work with.

@ Giolon: Oola isn't my favorite character, but I do think this is an interesting image. I'd have loved to see Daru or Ciel mirrored in a similar manner to see them from different angles.
09/23/2011 03:00 PM Offline Battleship_Agincourt

Join Date: 05/16/2009
Comments: 44
Finally indeed ;)

Nice pic, although Oola isn't my favorite either. Can't wait for the next image!
09/23/2011 11:55 PM Offline Jawaman

Join Date: 01/24/2008
Comments: 11
Great Job

you all know what?
waiting for giolons next pic is always worth the time!!!
Great Pic! can't wait for the next one (but will do it nevertheless ^^)
09/24/2011 02:02 AM Offline Avenior kagekusari at 448098284

Join Date: 08/19/2011
Comments: 104
her skin is sooo smooth!

she is so fragile... so loveable... soooo nice..... SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
OOOO sexy.... why did Jaba feed her to the rancor?!?!?!?!?!? If I killed jaba, I would give him a much slower, more painfull death...
10/05/2011 12:58 PM Offline hibyeme

Join Date: 08/19/2011
Comments: 104

oola looks expetionaly good this time... gio man! KEEP IT UP!!!!!
10/09/2011 08:05 AM Offline hibyeme

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187

It is a very nice image from what I can see. It looks beautifully clean and defined, has some great colours and a splendid, sexy pose from Oola.

Unfortunately I am currently stuck with using a netbook PC so, thanks to my small screen, I can't enjoy seeing your art fully. I'll have to wait a few months before I can buy a proper machine. After my severe accident my funds had to go elsewhere. :(
10/22/2011 05:52 PM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at

Join Date: 01/29/2012
Comments: 4
great work!

gotta love the classic Oola look. my question is, how in the world did you rescue her from the rancor? XD

anyhoo...despite what the others may say, i don't mind long waits--i have plenty of patience and an appreciation for quality vs. quantity.

keep working! you inspire us all!

p.s., have you ever considered accepting fanfiction for your work? the non-dirty kind.
01/31/2012 12:57 PM Offline Justin_Sabre

Previous image:
Daru's Birthday Finest  
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Beautiful Power


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