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Home/Star Wars/Twi'leks/Twice the Warmth *Updated 3/22*
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Twice the Warmth *Updated 3/22*
Twice the Warmth *Updated 3/22*


Twice the Warmth *Updated 3/22*
Description: Update 3/22: I noticed some issues w/ Daru's arm, so I re-rendered it and re-uploaded a new version.

When you have two Twi'leks in furs that is!

Whew the technical and life issues that kept this one from being finished for so long. Well hey, it's still cold outside! I think by the time I get my next images ready, it'll be time for bikinis!

I tried to address some of the criticisms of the Christmas image with this one (no cut off legs). If anyone still wants a higher resolution edition of that previous version, please let me know, and I'll make it avaialble.

Enjoy and thank you to those takign the time to leave comments!
Keywords: Twi'lek, Daru, Lana, Fur, Cleavage, Star Wars
Date: 02/20/2011 07:49 PM
Hits: 31619
Downloads: 222
Rating: 4.67 (6 Vote(s))
File size:
Added by: Giolon

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 05/16/2009
Comments: 44

Been waiting a long time now, but you did a great job, Giolon! And high res of the other version will be very much appreciated ;)
02/21/2011 02:03 AM Offline Jawaman

Join Date: 05/23/2010
Comments: 11
getting warm

very nice picture. I've been waiting for a pretty long time for a new picture. Looks very good. nice details, and i like the faces of these twi'leks,. Daru's still my favorite, with Lana not far behind.
Though I'd like to see one with either Oola or Ciel again.
02/22/2011 05:29 AM Offline Rhapsodos

yeah for real christmas images straight to bikini images lol. I love the picture im glad lana is in it (my favorite)
02/23/2011 10:00 AM  

Join Date: 04/06/2009
Comments: 38

Great image.

With all due respect, why can't you make bikini images during the winter?
03/10/2011 12:18 PM Offline Impious

Join Date: 05/12/2006
Comments: 144

There's no rule, but I just somewhat prefer being seasonal. :)
03/18/2011 09:48 PM Offline Giolon giolon at

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187

Ooh, who to choose? You couldn't go wrong with whoever you pick, to be honest. However, as much as I like Daru, as much as I have a thing for blue-skinned fantasy or sci-fi women, I'd have to pick Lana here.

I think she looks even better in their winter clothing. Her face looks even more beautiful inside that hood than Daru's. Plus, and there is no way in getting away from it (nor would any sane person want to), Lana's cleavage is truly marvellous! Just that bit more busty, full and round. Also, for some reason, I kind of imagine Lana being more filthy minded, adventurous and liking to take the lead in all things carnal.

Unless Daru can prove otherwise... :)
04/06/2011 04:08 PM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at

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Merry Twi'lek Christmas 2010


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