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Home/Fantasy/Sexy Goggles
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Sexy Goggles
Sexy Goggles


Sexy Goggles
Description: Girls with goggles - I don't know why, but I love the look. I love it enough that I spent 4 hours custom fitting this outfit to Kaiya. Maybe I'll throw up the full body shot if you guys want.

This image is a failure. It's been something like three months in the making at this point. Between technical issues, low quality of scene props, and plain old artistic unsatisfaction I've decided to just finally give up on this and let it go "as-is". This is basically what I've been enjoying as iPad wallpaper for the past two months - so I figure if it's good enough for me, I hope some of you will enjoy it.

I'm saddened by the fact that Vue and Poser no longer seem to want to play nicely together on my computer. I cannot import Poser documents anymore if they contain items from multiple's bizarre because it was working perfectly when I last used it at my birthday last year, and my computer hasn't appreciably changed since then. I even went back and tried using previous versions of Vue and Poser. No dice.
I did spend several hours over the past two weekends to see if there were any workarounds - and there are, but, they come with enough drawbacks that I am not likely to use them unless I'm absolutely desperate.

Well, I think that's enough rambling. The next update WILL come by September 26. It is a special day after all.

Thank you all for being patient. I hope you enjoy. :)
Keywords: Kaiya, Elf
Date: 09/12/2010 11:16 PM
Hits: 25155
Downloads: 154
Rating: 5.00 (4 Vote(s))
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Added by: Giolon

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 05/16/2009
Comments: 44

Looking forward to your next image! (btw, since when do elves carry ray-guns? :P just kiddin', Kaiya looks great.)
09/13/2010 08:12 AM Offline Jawaman

Join Date: 05/12/2006
Comments: 144
Ray Guns!

This image was to be the start of a Steampunk theme. I had to fit someone into the dress and Kaiya seemed like the best option. :)
09/13/2010 10:10 AM Offline Giolon giolon at

Any chance you could post a full-body picture? I would love to see it.

As for the picture itself, I love it. It doesn't look crappy to me, most likely because I couldn't do something like this if my life depended on it. Very nice work!
09/13/2010 04:28 PM  

Join Date: 12/14/2006
Comments: 6

it looks a bit like fable 2
the style and of course the old gun
09/16/2010 05:20 AM Offline jelmer jelmerbr at
Looks great to me

Everything about this picture screams "WIN" to me.
09/19/2010 06:24 PM  

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187

You are too harsh on yourself, Giolon. While an artist should be critical of themselves so they try to learn new things or perfect existing things, there is always the automatic and unavoidable situation where no matter how good their work is, they are so often dissatisfied or downright frustrated with it.

I think this picture looks splendid. Whether it is the perspective, the pose, the outfit or Kaiya's pretty face and look of confidence, it all nicely gels together. Kaiya does indeed look pretty and you are right, those goggles look good on her. I have always liked Kaiya's overall features too. The white hair, white eyebrows and icy blue eyes look good. I still say you should attempt to create a Drow at some point.

Probably the only very minor point and this may be down to the original costume, is that the stitching on her leather jacket over her left breast (her left, not ours, so in other words the one closest to us) looks a little less defined than the stitching on the breast farther away. It is odd because the stitching everywhere else looks fine and very sharp. It isn't really a complaint but more of a curiosity.

It is a shame you are having problems with Vue and Poser. I have never used either but occasionally read or hear from other artists about some problem that is around or has now appeared. There always seems to be a ready supply of bugs as well, ranging from the puzzling, to the annoying and then to the encouragement to hurl expletives and insults at your PC. As I haven't been around for a while and this picture was uploaded last month, have you had any luck in sorting out the problem? Is it possibly the case of needing to reinstall Windows, not just the two apps, to get them to play ball? I hate having to reinstall Windows (and usually won't) but sometimes little but irritating quirks appear along the way and things stop working the way they should. Sometimes you get lucky and a system restore will fix it, but only sometimes and even then, only if you happen to spot the problem quickly enough and then have a restore point to go back to.
10/28/2010 07:54 AM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at

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Tyrena in the Garden


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