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Tyrena in the Garden
Tyrena in the Garden


Tyrena in the Garden
Description: Late night update! Grab the hi-res for full detail!

Didn't I tell you that Tyrena likely wouldn't be appearing in her full armor get-up any time soon?

I'm sure many of you are wondering, "What took so damn long?". Well, a lot of things. In addition to the usual of settling on a pose, and outfit, I spent a week fighting the dynamic cloth to get it to drape the way I desired.

Then there was the fact of setting. This image was inspired by the smoking hot Olivia Wilde (who's eyes I'll admit to being an inspiration for Tyrena's) on the cover a Maxim two months ago:

It was originally was going to be on a white background like the cover, as is pretty standard for my stuff, but then I got it in myself to make some scenery. Where would she wear something like this? Perhaps a private garden. I spent about a week putting together what you see from Aery Soul props (and about 5 minutes in Vue to create the sunset).

I also wanted to give Tyrena some tattoos, since all of my elf girls so far have them. But, in her previous image she had none, so the placement had to be such that they would be covered by her armor (so I could say they were there all along!). This is probably what took me the longest. Between coming up with a design that I liked and actually getting it onto the model's texture maps, I burned at least a month on them. I wanted them to resemble the flowing wave-like symbol that appears in the background of her previous image (it would appear on the front side of her shield). About a week ago, I was ready to give up on them altogether and had even rendered out the full image w/o them, but then I stumbled upon something that I liked a lot during my pattern experimentations. Getting them in the form you see here is the cause of the final week of delay.

I also lost several days due to computer issues. Nothing endangering any of my work, thankfully, but something to deal with still as well.

Anyhow, I hope you all enjoy the latest update. I promise to do my best to make the update delays shorter (I generally aim for an absolute max of one month). I have a deviantArt kiriban image to make next (I reached 25,000 hits about a month ago), and then after that, expect a Daru quickie. I need more blue in my life.

Thanks for looking, for your patience, and for your comments!
Keywords: Tyrena, Elf
Date: 08/12/2009 03:41 AM
Hits: 29081
Downloads: 623
Rating: 4.93 (13 Vote(s))
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Added by: Giolon

Author: Comment:
i love it

my favorite non twi picture, i love it
08/12/2009 06:36 AM  

It's amazing! I was amazed at how much I like her considering she's not a twi'lek and then it came to me, she's an elf. I like elfs. :) Though really this is amazing. btw why did you stop doing nude pics? Your nude pics of Daru were some of the best twi's i've seen. You really should do more.
08/12/2009 10:30 AM  

Join Date: 04/06/2009
Comments: 38

Well, I don't like the face very much but I won't judge that. I hardly see any faces I like, per se, so don't worry about it. I do like the eyes, though. I like the pose, the costume, and the feet.
08/13/2009 02:52 AM Offline Impious

Excellent work!!
08/13/2009 07:10 AM  

Purrrfection! perfect ! me wants!!-runs after her like a wild animal -
08/13/2009 05:43 PM  

Much better. I liked the idea you had for it and I really think you pulled it off here. The dress has the nice color I was looking for and the background sets the mood for the pose. I also like the way you draped it, your hard work paid off.
08/15/2009 01:23 PM  

Join Date: 07/26/2006
Comments: 9

I agree, very nice, but a bare breast would be nice here. ;)
08/16/2009 12:00 AM Offline jubilee jubinsh at

i dont post often but this one i had to, this is easly my fav image uve made to date. absolutely breathtaking detail. the toes are a bit funny though =o
08/17/2009 01:40 PM  

Join Date: 12/10/2006
Comments: 31

Its very nice. The background is superb. She has a beautiful face. I am hoping you make a twi'lek too at some point (you hinted you would ^_^). Curious to see what colour she will be.
08/23/2009 09:50 AM Offline Bonafide

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187

You have done yourself proud with this one, Giolon! She looks sensational! Her pose is glorious in that sheer, flowing white dress. And what a dress too! The material is excellent. I love the fine detail in it. Her jet black hair is fantastic also, looking full bodied and glossy. It also contrasts beautifully with her white clothing.

The bare glimpses of flesh, whether it is her shoulder, her bottom or her foot, all make for an erotic, sensual yet tasteful (and even romantic) vision. She is a magnificent and sexy looking woman.

I love the background scenery as well. You have done an equally superb job with it. It seems just perfect for her and for the mood being conveyed. The colours are marvellous, from the oranges of the sunset to the bold greens of the grass and plants. I really like the lighting too, be it the overall light or the focal points from the flowers. They all seem to work harmoniously with the look of Tyrena's sensual grace. I can easily picture her, walking softly around the garden, the low level of ambient noise making everything seem peaceful and tranquil. I should imagine that if you were actually in the garden with her, you would be pretty spellbound by her beauty and by the serenity of it all.

I wasn't aware of Olivia Wilde but I can see the resemblance. However, I still think Tyrena reminds me of Claire Forlani and Jessica Canizales! :)
08/31/2009 10:08 AM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at

Join Date: 04/06/2009
Comments: 38
The Future

Maybe in the future we might see some girl-on-girl combat? Or better yet, some 'friendliness'. Would you ever do something like that Giolon?
09/15/2009 09:18 PM Offline Impious

Join Date: 05/12/2006
Comments: 144
Re: Girl on Girl Action

Multi-figure scenes are are such a bear to work with, but I'd love to get some more out.

Remember, last we checked, Shina was still venturing into danger. ;)
09/20/2009 01:37 AM Offline Giolon giolon at

Join Date: 04/06/2009
Comments: 38

I've always liked elves more than Twi'leks. Anyone agree with that?
03/02/2010 03:24 AM Offline Impious

Join Date: 04/06/2009
Comments: 38

I hope you start doing more elf characters. Also if you start playing perfect world, you could make some Untamed/Tideborn Characters. People probably wouldn't recognize the races, but that doesn't make the image any less appealing.
05/05/2010 04:40 PM Offline Impious

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