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Comments: 8

Home/Fantasy/The General's Daughter
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The General's Daughter
The General's Daughter


The General's Daughter
Description: Here's the new character that I'd promised was coming! I'm sorry she's not a Twi'lek (yet?!) as I know some were hoping, but I've already got five of them and only two elves. Now I guess I've got three! But something looks different about's her ears! They're different from Kaiya and Shina's. What does it mean? Is she a half elf?

She certainly looks fearsome, wouldn't you say? Since I've already got an archer type character and a sorceress/priest, I thought that I should bring in someone who can take a few hits! Look for a close up portrait coming very soon.

Finally, she has no name yet. I've tried for well over a month to come up with just the right one, but I have nothing. Find out what her name is, here!

On the technical side, this armor was hell on my computer. It's comprised of a couple Aery Soul outfits. My computer had 6GB of RAM at the time, and it nearly couldn't handle it all together! I've got 8GB now, so we'll see how things go in the future, but I'm not so sure she'll get to have her full get up on at most times. Fancy render effects probably won't play well with all of it.

Thanks for looking and especially for those taking the time to leave comments!

Edit: I have updated the full download to also include a wide-screen wallpaper version! Enjoy! Here's a preview:
Keywords: Warrior, Elf
Date: 02/22/2009 09:58 PM
Hits: 26372
Downloads: 444
Rating: 5.00 (7 Vote(s))
File size:
Added by: Giolon

Author: Comment:
Beauty with a sword!

Amazing as aways man. never fail to amaze me!
02/22/2009 10:54 PM  
Very nice!

Well you've done it again Gio! Excellent detail and will make a great new member to add to the team!
02/23/2009 08:01 AM  

Join Date: 09/19/2008
Comments: 1

i really am enjoying looking at the lower half of her for some reason *shrug* very good job cant wait for a name
02/24/2009 04:57 AM Offline blackangleleo

Outstanding work! Why video games don't have characters like this?
02/24/2009 08:48 AM  

I noticed that the shading makes it look like she has a dent in her left cheek. But it's still a good way to get my mind off my new job. What they said I'd be doing and what I got stuck doing are two very different things. I also must say that I'm suprised that Solaris_wave hasn't commented yet. His comments are normally the first or second.
02/24/2009 03:50 PM  

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187

Give me time, sir, give me time. I have been very busy. :)

What a great looking creation, Giolon! She looks fantastic. Beautiful eyes and lips, a great hairstyle and figure to match. Her outfit looks great as well. It has a suitably elven look to it, combined with that right level of fantasy sexuality. All the materials of her outfit are superbly detailed, whether it is metal, leather or cloth.

I like her pose too. She comes across as capable, confident and strong.

Hopefully you will be able to create a suitable outdoor background for her at some point, as long as it doesn't cause your PC to faint from the processing. How about one of her on horseback? I think she would look awesome on top of an armoured horse.
03/03/2009 09:04 AM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at

Join Date: 06/12/2008
Comments: 18

How come when i do armor it never comes out that gorgeous?

I love your work.....but I so hate you right now. Like seething in jealousy and all that jazz :P ;)

*Response by Giolon: Aery Soul's included shaders and textures for the armor work wonders with some good lighting. ;)
03/10/2009 04:14 AM Offline Sioned01
Well, some one's gotta say it:

I noticed the "I'm not so sure she'll get to have her full get up on at most times" part there. That's all I'm going to say, though. She does look gorgeous, and like she wouldn't hesitate to run you through with that sword of hers. Or the various other armour spikes. Excellent render, I must say. Here's to hoping she lasts through Dad's battles!
05/03/2009 05:14 PM  

I like the new character, I'm glad you decided to explore some. However I don't like this picture. I would go into further detail but I don't want to be a party pooper in the comments. If you want details you can e-mail me or something. But I like her though! lol don't everyone kill me.
05/19/2009 03:38 PM  

*Edited by Giolon: this is not allowed*
02/21/2010 01:43 PM  

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Portrait of a Warrior  
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Long Time, No See


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