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Oola and Daru Duo
Oola and Daru Duo
Comments: 10

Home/Fantasy/Busty Elf in Peril? - Time for a Prayer
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Busty Elf in Peril? - Time for a Prayer
Busty Elf in Peril? - Time for a Prayer


Busty Elf in Peril? - Time for a Prayer
Description: Continuing on from last time...

Shina was surprised to find an old sun temple, deep within the dungeon of Warlock Chimera. "I wonder when the sun ever shone all the way down here..." she thought to herself. Never one to pass up a chance at better fortune, Shina decided to take a quick moment to pray that the light of the sun goddess would soon lead her out of that dreadful place, and deliver her back home safely.

And there we have it, another entry in "Busty Elf in Peril?" This image has been laying around just as long as the last one. I had hoped to get to part 3 in time for Halloween, but those fancy lighting effects take a loooooooooooooooooooooong time to render.

Bonus question: How many of you previously noticed that Shina's outfit had a hood that she wasn't wearing?

Thanks for looking and especially to those taking the time to leave comments!
Keywords: Shina, Busty, Elf, Peril, Magic
Date: 10/26/2008 12:19 PM
Hits: 49385
Downloads: 353
Rating: 4.59 (12 Vote(s))
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Added by: Giolon

Author: Comment:

I'm new to the site but I have to say your work is awesome. I really like the lighting on this one and the work with the light in her hands.
10/26/2008 07:46 PM  
Silver Medal for Me...

wow, sun temple. when the economy crashes, chimera can add that as an asset. how many bathrooms though...

anyway. love the pic. cool how your also doing busty elf in peril. i saw some of chimeras and im impressed. this one look like a great prelude. time to see if that prayer helped her out.
10/27/2008 03:37 PM  

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187

They may take a long time to render those lighting effects but they are truly worth it! The lighting in this picture is just magnificent! Seeing her and her surroundings bathed in magical light really captures that fantasy look that you would expect to see in all the great computer games, whether it is Baldur's Gate, Diablo or something else. Funnily enough, it isn't just the lighting that reminds me of those games but the actual scenery as well. Seeing that emblem of the sun on the ground does remind me of a location you might find in the Baldur's Gate games.

Shina looks awesome as always. I did notice that she had a hood before. She looks great with it pulled over her head (and also great without it). She really is a fantastic looking character, being both sexy and enchanting.
10/28/2008 09:05 AM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at

Great work Giolon! gives a warm feeling!
10/28/2008 10:08 AM  

Nice, but doesn't show much.
10/28/2008 04:25 PM  

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187
To Pessimist42:

When you say it doesn't show much, what do you mean? That it is too dark or that the image lacks scenery? If you mean the former then the surroundings are supposed to be dark because she is in a dungeon. There is no apparent sunlight. It is possibly devoid of anyone as well, so there are no flame torches. Also, if you read the text, that gives some reasoning to the situation.

If you meant something other than it being too dark, then please ignore my above words. :)
10/29/2008 02:22 AM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at

I like the rendering, but it seems he focused more on rendering and scenery than her. The image is pretty and all, but it's hard to get into the image.
11/01/2008 11:38 PM  

Join Date: 05/12/2006
Comments: 144
What's showing?

Not all images are going to be 100% cheesecake oriented. Shina has had her fair share of those for how long she's been in existence, currently half of all of her images. That ratio is likely to get a little worse before I get to the end of this mini-series of images, but that doesn't mean she won't have any more pinup style images in the future (or even in the middle of the series).

A little variety never hurt anybody, and it's certainly good for learning knew things (for me).
11/02/2008 01:10 AM Offline Giolon giolon at
Darth Assassin

You got a point there Giolon. I mean we all love your cheesecake posts, but like you said having a little variety is a good thing.
11/29/2008 09:39 PM  
Same Here

Compleatly agreed! Not everything needs to be compleatly revealed!
02/10/2009 07:51 AM  

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Long Time, No See  
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Busty Elf in Peril? - Into the Darkness


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