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The Clone Wars: Ahsoka Tano - All Grown Up!
The Clone Wars: Ahsoka Tano - All Grown Up!


The Clone Wars: Ahsoka Tano - All Grown Up!
Description: To celebrate the release of Star Wars: The Clone Wars in theaters this week, I thought it would be a fun "what if" exercise to see what Anakin's new padawan would look like in the unlikely event that she happens to make it out of the Clone Wars into adulthood (since she's about a decade too young for me as depicted in the time period). It was quite a challenging task to try to work backwards from the exaggerated proportions and style employed by the new movie/tv series and come up with a more realistic take on the character as an adult. In the end, I'm not entirely sure I went far enough in pulling back on some of the facial features, but if you take a look at people like Femi Taylor (Oola!) or model Jessica White I don't think my Ahsoka is far out of bounds. This also marks the first appearance of a Togruta in my galleries!

Thanks for looking and especially for those taking the time to leave comments!

Edit Note: This is now a revised version. What did I change? I toned her nose back a little bit further after some feedback combined with my own personal feelings.

Edit 2: Just got back from the movie, and I absolutely loved it. I'm very much looking forward to the TV series starting in the fall! Ahsoka is a cute, if somewhat stereotypical, character, and I feel that if she happened to make it to adulthood she'd turn out much in the way I've depicted her.
Keywords: Ahsoka, Tano, Jedi, Togruta
Date: 08/13/2008 07:11 PM
Hits: 82569
Downloads: 493
Rating: 4.33 (6 Vote(s))
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Added by: Giolon

Author: Comment:
Nice ^_^

first post, and first to comment :D

Great pic!, I'm looking forward to the movie and had some what ifs in mind too.
08/13/2008 07:24 PM  
I like this one

This is a great picture of her. However I fear she will never grow old enough to be this old.

Which leads me to a point that annoys me. Not about Ahsoka Tano but about the other Jedi of the Torgruta species Shak Tii. Am I the only one who has noticed that she dies three diffrent times in the star wars saga. First if you watch the deleted scenes of Revenge of the Sith she dies aboard the Invisible Hand by Grevious' hand. Secondly in the Revenge of the Sith Novel she is the first Jedi Anakin kills under Order 66 at the Jedi Temple. And finally you must face and defeat her in the upcomming video game the Force Unleashed where she is killed by Vader's secret apprentice.

Now I bring this up because if you look at the video game clips Shak Tii is wearing an outfit far diffrent than the ones we see het in the movies but similar to those seen worn by Ahsoka Tano. While the video game says it is Shak Tii I believe that should be changed to Ahsoka Tano. This way we discover her fate as well as it is irony vader's new apprentice kills anakins old one.

Any thoughts?
08/14/2008 08:40 AM  

Join Date: 05/12/2006
Comments: 144
Re: Shaak Ti

All I can say is "yeah..." All I know is the deleted scene of RotS movie has been confirmed as *not* canon by Lucas's organizations. I don't know if the novelization or the new game is supposed to be the new official story, but whatever it is, this is just one of those occasions where the story got a wee bit messed up. ;) I try not to let those things bother me anymore.
08/14/2008 10:05 AM Offline Giolon giolon at
great movie

i saw this movie at the midnight release last night and i have to admit, while others may disagree, i thought it was the best movie out of any star wars. Because of the movie being animated the special effects we're just amazing, the music was unreal and was perfect, and even though some people say it was a little kiddish, i thought it was the perfect movie, just upset that it wasnt longer =P
08/15/2008 03:46 PM  
Of course.

Declarative Statment: No offense, but I knew this was coming.
08/16/2008 09:26 AM  
Missing something

After watching the movie I noticed that this image is missing something.

Asoka had these triangle like grey shapes all along the headtail crown that started just above the eye and ran along her forehead seperating her heatail crown from her face. She had three small shapes on the sides all meeting at one large one at the center of the forehead. Plus a diamond beaded necklace running from the top of the center triangle around back amoung her headtails.

Now I am not sure if the grew triangles were part of her body or just jewelry. They looked part of her body but of course the chain like thing was jewelry.

Not that I am complaining. But that is the only thing that would be missing to be perfectly Ahsoka.

Also on a more personal note. I have never liked the Troguta species. They have always annoyed me a bit. I never liked the look. However there is just something I love about Ahsoka. She made me a fan of the species.
08/18/2008 09:02 AM  

The Togruta look better animated (cartoon Shaak-Ti is cute), the movie versions look kinda creepy.

Great work on this one, bu i think a Twi'lek would make a better padawan.

Giolon you should try making the twi'lek pinup girl in the clone carrier ;)
08/18/2008 10:23 AM  

Awesome creation, I like it so much I'm convincing myself that she survived order 66 =)
08/19/2008 09:43 PM  

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187

As I have yet to see the movie at the time of writing this, I don't have the original "source material" to go on. However, what is here looks excellent regardless. I really like the poses, her expressive face and the different colours that she has. Her face looks marvellous in terms of the various colours. Everything compliments each other just nicely.

The other thing I noticed is that she really wouldn't look out of place in one of the Knights Of The Old Republic games. I can envision her in one of the closeup dialogue interaction moments. She just has that certain look about her that fits in with a cutscene. I don't mean that she is superior than your other characters in terms of 3D realism, or inferior (so she fits into the game engine used for those games). It is something almost enigmatic to me so it is hard to actually give reason why, at least at this moment in time.
08/23/2008 03:16 PM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at
I love it, but..

It's wonderful but (and I hate to be a bad guy)
aren't the Togruta supposed to have a third,
somewhat thicker headtail between the other two?
10/25/2008 04:22 PM  

Join Date: 05/12/2006
Comments: 144
Togruta Tails

Who's to say that she doesn't? You can't see the back of her head now can you? ;)
10/25/2008 05:25 PM Offline Giolon giolon at
How did you make it??

Awsome job, how did you make this?? I am trying to make a Togruta also and i can't sculp for my life lol
03/17/2009 04:15 PM  
Ahsoka at 25

Yes, she is Tano if she could live till that age. Age of 25 or something like more.
But that is a great model for Ahsoka.
06/18/2009 03:21 AM  
where to ge parts?

um...where can i get the ahsoka parts you used for daz 3d (poser files are usable too) for free? plz tell me i need to know!!
04/11/2010 04:18 PM  

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