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Comments: 11

Home/Fantasy/Busty Elf in Peril? - Into the Darkness
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Busty Elf in Peril? - Into the Darkness
Busty Elf in Peril? - Into the Darkness


Busty Elf in Peril? - Into the Darkness
Description: As Shina peered into the dark crypt, she thought to herself, "What was he thinking sending me in here?" Giolon, tired of the lies and aspersions cast upon him by the truly evil warlock known only as "Chimera", sent his best sorceress to investigate the underground labyrinth reputed to be Chimera's evil hideaway. Rumors had spread of late of dark tunnels filled with monsters and tortured prisoners.

"Well, it can't be helped now," Shina mused. Casting a spell for light, she began her descent, into the darkness...

I hope you all enjoy the image and the fun little story at my good friend's expense. He truly is an evil mastermind!

Thanks for looking, and especially for your comments!
Keywords: Shina
Date: 08/11/2008 07:21 PM
Hits: 32883
Downloads: 553
Rating: 4.56 (16 Vote(s))
File size:
Added by: Giolon

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 05/15/2006
Comments: 71
A new chapter begins

Turnabout is fair play, and I must say you're doing a bang up job of it.

I stand thoroughly and pleasantly surprised.
08/11/2008 07:49 PM Offline chimera46 chimera46 at

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187

I received your e-mail. I'm not sure why it bounced as it went through fine. It wouldn't have blocked you unless you wrote subject headings like "Best Canadian Pharmacy", "Soft Tabs" or any of the other annoying spam e-mails I am getting bombarded with right now.

Let me know if you received my e-mail. I sent it to your personal address. If you have problems I'll send again to your main web address.

So, onto the picture. First of all, I was amazed to see this picture because it has similarities to what I mentioned in the e-mail. I had no idea you were working on this at the time.

I have to say, it looks dynamite. The lighting and mood are excellent. For some reason, when I look at this, I immediately think of the Diablo games. Probably more the first one or just the end of Act I in Diablo 2. There is just something about how with the stairs leading down into the darkness and the light you are leaving behind, reminds me of when you leave the safety of the town area and have just entered the dungeon. You know what is coming and step ever further inward. You know you will be facing lots of little nasty critters, traps and such, before facing someone or something that is two or three times your height and has more teeth than the entire Osmond family.

I love the look on her face. That look of apprehension and yet determination to go all the way.

One last thing, seeing as she is a Busty Elf In Peril, don't let Chimera get his hands on her, lol. His other poor girls have serious trouble walking properly and sitting down comfortably after the experiences he gives them! :-D

I shall say no more and leave your imagination to work out the rest. :-p
08/11/2008 09:17 PM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at

Fantastic work!
08/12/2008 07:21 AM  

Amazing work. The lighting is perfect and the atmosphere...
It's almost as if you're actually there.

The background is very well done, in fact immaculate would probably be a better description; and the pose is perfect.
Just perfect.

I like all of your work a lot, but I have to say that this is probably my favourite piece that you have on this site.

Well done!
08/12/2008 05:32 PM  
Into the deep, dark of Moria....

Or not.

Amazing use of lighting! I stand, well recline actually, thoroughly impressed

Think she'll find Waldo down there? XD
08/12/2008 09:20 PM  

Join Date: 01/24/2008
Comments: 11

I really like this pic! It shows Shina in a very new light (in both meanings). Interesting are the two lightsources, one of behind her and the light in her hand and it also makes her more than a normal elfen girl.
Also the story you wrote is a nice idea! Sounds like a pen & paper adventure beginning, for all who played it or just heard of it: tomb of horrors!
I hope you continue this story! Would be nice for GMs to get some interesting ideas!
08/13/2008 12:49 AM Offline Avenior kagekusari at 448098284

Wow great picture. I like the lighting very much
Greetings from the Old World
08/13/2008 01:58 AM  
Now this one I like

I love where you are going with this image. It tells a story. It creates an emotion from the viewer. It has passed the true test of an artist. As I always like to offer advice for improvement. The only improvement I would even attempt to suggest would be to have had a threat of some kind lurking in the corner sneaking up to strike. That would have made the image with even more impact. I should send you picture of a metal bust I have that I would love to see you do. It is very similar to thei character however with a slight change in the outfit.

Good work
08/13/2008 08:32 AM  

very beautiful image, i love it
08/15/2008 03:42 PM  

Um, I like the image, I even lightboxed it, but there's two problems I noticed. The first (this may be intentional) is that her left foot is not visible. The second is that her shoe looks more like a flip-flop than a high-heel. Once again, you may have done that on purpose. If you did these intentionally, let me know, Giolon.
09/28/2008 04:28 PM  
Darth Cadeus

as a big fantasy and sci-fi nerd I could never resist hot women in wonderous settings ,and I love a good story, so all and all great work
12/01/2008 03:53 PM  

She looks real. Great job.
11/20/2009 02:41 AM  

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Busty Elf in Peril? - Time for a Prayer  
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Magical Glow


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