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Busty Elves in Peril: Run Alis, Run!
Busty Elves in Peril: Run Alis, Run!
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Home/Star Wars/Twi'leks/Come Hither, "Slave" - B side
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Come Hither, "Slave" - B side
Come Hither, "Slave" - B side


Come Hither, "Slave" - B side
Description: This is the "B side" image, as Chimera46 would call it, of the "Come Hither, 'Slave'" image. I didn't like it quite as much as the original, but I liked the alternate camera angle enough to keep it around and doll it up for all of ya'll.

Ok, I think this officially ends my streak of Daru overload for a while. Hopefully next I'll be burning you all out on Shina...
Date: 07/20/2008 07:53 PM
Hits: 38707
Downloads: 1146
Rating: 5.00 (10 Vote(s))
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Added by: Giolon

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 01/24/2008
Comments: 11
Great Work!

I really like those pictures! You do great work!
in my opinion, daru looks most beatutyfull on this pic, because of her absent view and her posture (and og course because of her freckles XD ).
I hope you give Shina also an Twi'Lek alias.
07/21/2008 03:36 AM Offline Avenior kagekusari at 448098284

awesome i really like it
07/21/2008 04:38 AM  

Join Date: 06/06/2006
Comments: 22

Blue is definitely my favourite color :-P
07/24/2008 09:32 AM Offline Thomas kempo-kay at

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187

This is a lovely alternate image of Daru and a welcome one as well. I agree that the original image is the superior one due to angle and shown posture but this one certainly has its qualities as well.

This one doesn't look like she is being beckoned by her master. Instead, this one looks as if she is walking along and she is thinking about something pleasurable. In fact she looks as if she is thinking about her master and lover, maybe after time with him or recently after. She also has a look to her where she feels desirable and sexual. Not in a vain fashion where she has a grand opinion of herself. Rather, one that is more natural and humble that happens almost subconsciously when in love.
07/24/2008 11:01 PM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at

Aw crap. thats it for daru now? :( Oh well. great image though
07/26/2008 09:37 AM  

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Birthday Greetings from Coruscant *Updated 10/1*  
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Portrait of a "Slave"


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