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Modern Sexy Series #2 - Oola
Modern Sexy Series #2 - Oola
Comments: 12

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Balancing Act
Balancing Act


Balancing Act
Description: Chimera: Nothing fancy, I was just in a purple twi'lek mood this week. Giolon was kind enough to let me post this one here, for which I'm grateful. The title refers not only to the pose that has that "I'm about to fall over" look, but also to the postwork done on this image, where it was difficult to balance brightness, saturation, and contrast. Again, thanks to Giolon for his help on that front as well.

There is another image of this character in my gallery over at Renderosity.

Click "download" for the 2560x2048 300 dpi version.
Keywords: twi'lek twilek
Date: 03/01/2008 10:53 PM
Hits: 33309
Downloads: 483
Rating: 4.00 (5 Vote(s))
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Added by: chimera46

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187

This is a great looking Twi'lek, Chimera, as demonstrated by your PlayHutt image. It's a nicely lit and textured scene as well. I particularly like the fabrics she is wearing, all the white garments look good especially. I also noticed what look like veins in her arms. Were they added or part of the original skin texture?

Like with the other image, I find her eyes very alluring, against the purple skin of her face and body. Coupled with that subtle hidden smile, I get the impression she wants to pounce on you. As for the pose, it actually looks like she is auditioning (maybe for PlayHutt in fact) and is just about to start her routine.
03/02/2008 07:56 PM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at

Join Date: 05/15/2006
Comments: 71

Hehe yeah, I suppose I should have called this one "PlayHutt: Casting Call" given that I started this one before the first one you see of her, posted elsewhere.

I believe the vein effect is caused by using the "Alice" (by Aery Soul) skin shaders with the skin texture here (Sarsa skin resource, coloured by me). So... they didn't come with this particular texture but it's not from my original efforts either, I just mixed and matched other people's products.
03/02/2008 10:03 PM Offline chimera46 chimera46 at

03/06/2008 07:33 AM  

Oh my Sith Lords of Evil, she's so pretty!!!!!!!! I wish I could take her home with me!!! We'd have a tea party in the bathroom!! Then I'd dress her up like Alice(in Wonderland) and go walking around town!

04/17/2008 12:34 PM  

*Edited by Giolon: Find a constructive way to express what you have to say*
12/21/2008 05:54 PM  

Join Date: 05/15/2006
Comments: 71

Thank you for your feedback Pessimist42. I'm sorry that you don't find this purple skinned tentacle headed alien to be "realistic". Next time I'll try to make one that looks like the those you'd see everyday on the bus.

I'm also sorry to hear that you're having trouble getting turned on, although with respect, that's not really my area of expertise. They do have pills for that now though...
12/21/2008 07:07 PM Offline chimera46 chimera46 at

You're welcome :-). Criticism is what I do. But since Giolon has been more courteous than I was, I will extend his courteousy to you. The body seems to lack much curve. If you've got a keen eye for detail, it kind of looks like the breasts are seperate from the body. And in a way I can't phrase, there's just something weird about the jaw. Maybe it's the shading, but either way it makes her look a bit older than she's supposed to be. After nine years of my cousin working distributing magazines (including PlayBoy), my standards are just higher than they used to be. Nine years ago, I'd say the image was perfect.
12/23/2008 01:54 PM  

Join Date: 06/12/2008
Comments: 18
going color blind

I thought she was supposed to be hot pink o.O
Have to admit it was a fail on getting purple :P but I do actually rather like that color on twi'leks. Perhaps hot pink and lime green spots! oh oh oh or even better... Lime green outfit! Hmmm maybe I should do one of those...

Yes I am bored, and flipping through Gio's site is a helping hobby while at work thanks.
03/19/2009 04:25 AM Offline Sioned01

I'll be honest. Fat legs, no curves.
11/20/2009 02:35 AM  

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