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Just Hangin' Around
Just Hangin' Around
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RadiantCG - 2007 Year in Review
RadiantCG - 2007 Year in Review


RadiantCG - 2007 Year in Review
Description: Ok...I shamelessly stole this idea from Chimera46. I'm sorry bro, but it was just too good to not do.

Whew! 2007 brought 31 images, fewer than in 2006, but several of them are my personal favorites (which I'll highlight in a moment). I can't say that I've necessarily got better images than last year, but I don't have any this year that I go back and look at and think "ugh, how could I post that piece of crap" like I do for some of last year's entries. We'll see how I feel about them as the end of 2008 rolls around. ;)

This year we have:

  • 8 images of Daru

  • 4 images of Human Daru

  • 5 images of Oola

  • 3 images of Rena

  • 4 images of Ciel

  • 8 images of Lana

  • 5 images of newcomer Kaiya

  • 1 image of Max

  • 3 other miscellaneous images

  • 5 images w/ custom Vue backgrounds

Some of my personal favorites for the year:

"Still Hangin' Around"
- This image and its counterpart "Just Hangin' Around" are my favorite images of Daru's human incarnation. I feel that I got a great "casual" feel to her pose and the image overall. Plus, it practically looks like she's standing outside my actual apartment building!

"Kaiya's Moonlight Dip"
- It took me an incredible amount of time to get just the right sheer material for the cloth, and this water was absolutely murder on my system. Plus, is that not perhaps the most seductive glance ever?

"Trendy Twi'lek Girls"
- All of my Twi'lek girls together in sexy new outfits. I want to get this printed to go on my wall next to "Women of Color Ultimate" that I already have up there.

"Daru's Nabooian Sunset"
- This is currently my favorite image of Daru. It's been my secondary monitor desktop ever since I created it, and I'm still not sick of it. I could just gaze at it for hours.

"Amazing Oola"
- Recreating the original photo shot of Femi Taylor was an awesomely fun experience. Oola received texture upgrades and a new custom metal material for her collar with the help of Chimera46.

"Seaside Beauty"
- This widescreen image of Kaiya was created expressly for the purpose of being my new laptop's wallpaper. Another image I could stare at for hours.

"RadiantCG Visits the Land of the Rising Sun!"
- This image marks the achievement of my lifelong dream to visit Japan. I created this to be my laptop wallpaper during my travels. Doesn't Daru look scrumptious in a kimono?

Well, that’s all I had room for on Renderosity, but I can fit a few more words here. Why don’t you take a moment to tell me which images were your favorites this year? Bonus Pick:

"Max - All Bundled Up"
- Discovering Dynamic Hair as fur was a big "Wow! Poser can look that good?!" moment. For having thrown together the image in about 6 hours (including learning the hair/fur, learning Wardrobe Wizard 2, converting the outfit from Aiko, recreating all the fur materials & "growth" was a whirlwind.) Plus, fur lined cleavage, 'nuff said.

Thank you for looking and for your comments all year long! Let's hope that 2008 is even better! Special thanks again to the donors who helped to keep me going during a rough spot this year.

Date: 12/31/2007 11:59 PM
Hits: 40957
Downloads: 104
Rating: 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
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Added by: Giolon

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 05/15/2006
Comments: 71
Drunken Greeting


I've really got to stop sobering up before bed in front of the computer...
01/01/2008 12:27 AM Offline chimera46 chimera46 at

Happy new year, is this just a compilation of the stuff you already have? Or new stuff?

Also, what disaster? Did your server get booted, or lost your hard drive?
01/01/2008 01:26 AM  

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187
Get comfy before you read...

You have created some fabulous images this year, as you have done every year since I first spotted your work on Renderosity and became an immediate fan. As the author of your own work it must be easier to criticise your images and single out certain ones that you think aren't very good (or pieces of crap, as you put it). For me personally, as an art lover and as one that views hundreds of 3D images on a yearly basis, not to mentioned has viewed untold thousands since I first got into 3D art (plus art from numerous other mediums and artists), I don't think there are any images of yours that could be considered inferior. Sure there are sometimes certain parts of an image (usually part of the scenery) that could be enhanced but they are by and large perfectly fine. Your character models certainly cannot be faulted. It is what made me appreciate them in the first place.

You have definitely improved your art over the course of time but your earlier work still stands proud with the newer stuff. I can compare your earlier images of Daru, Ciel and Oola and they still look awesome.

Because of that, it is very hard to pick favourites and will be just as difficult picking favourites from your 2007 work. If I was pushed to pick my favourites for 2007 and why I picked them, I would have to go for the following:

"Still Hangin' Around" & "Just Hangin' Around":
A wonderful, bright and summery looking scene. Daru, in her human guise, looks just lovely. From her curvy, freckled body to her long, tied hair, she looks raunchy and provocative while at the same time maintaining a pure innocence. Basically the kind of woman your mother would approve of but still absolute dynamite.

"Amazing Oola" & "Portrait Of An Icon":
Just what the latter image's title suggests, Oola is the iconic Twi'lek. Pretty much the genesis of not only the look of a female Twi'lek but often also the kind of life that they may lead. Your version captured Oola almost perfectly. I say almost because the Oola from the film seemed a more timid and frightened version. However, yours doesn't have to be a carbon copy of her (otherwise she wouldn't be seen much outside Jabba's confines) and also you could say you captured her look when she was more optimistic about her position. Therefore, that isn't a criticism and merely just an observation. Regardless, she looks gorgeous from head to toe. The eye shadow looks excellent and her mesh outfit looks bang on. You even get to see a cheeky shot of nipple, just like in the film. It just goes to prove that with Oola and Leia's slave outfit, George Lucas is a perv. ;-p

"Daru's New Bikini":
A stunning display of the blue beauty. Sensational poses from a sensational looking lady. This picture captures the grace and femininity of Daru. I particularly like her look in the pose on the left. Almost shy, as if not believing she is as pretty as the viewer says she is.

"Trendy Twi'lek Girls" (Keep saying that after a few pints):
Another one of those "spoilt for choice" images. Every one of the girls look great. The girls I am most drawn to, however are Ciel and Lana. With Ciel I simply can't take my eyes off her midriff. Also, her high cut thong teases under her trousers. Damn you for making her wear trousers in the first place. :-p

Lana looks very hot in that outfit. A kind of future noir gang outfit. The outfit and the colours go perfectly with Lana's overall look. Plus, and I know I have said it before, she really knows how to fill out a top. Being with her would be like strolling through the Alps.

"Max - All Bundled Up":
Max is so pretty here and that outfit is marvellous. A wonderful design with great looking textures and fur. It enhances her beauty. The background scenery is lovely as well. I haven't seen a picturesque winter scene like that since I was a kid.

"Just Ciel":
I had to leave this one to last. This is undoubtedly my favourite of this year and one of my all time favourites created by you. That look, that outfit, that body, those legs, those is truly "just Ciel". The image signifies why she is my favourite Twi'lek. I might make myself sound like a geek here, but who cares? If I was in the Star Wars universe and I wanted a Twi'lek lover, Ciel would be the one.

Sorry for my long comments, hopefully there is still room for everyone else to post. Anyway, great work with all of your images and all the best for the years to come. Finally don't forget what 2007 has taught you. Backup everything!
01/01/2008 02:03 AM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at

So many good pictures. Are you sure you're ot Auperman in disguise?
What is up with that Censored one?
01/01/2008 08:05 AM  

Join Date: 05/12/2006
Comments: 144

@Rixile: C'mon man. Read a little's not that hard ;)

@Darth_Omnis: The "Censored" pic isn't actually posted here, only at Renderosity. That was from the time that they instituted their new "no nudity" in thumbnails restriction, but it goes further than that. It demands "tasteful breast exposure, no buttock cleft visible, and no words like 'censored' or 'nudity inside' to censor the image." They also demanded that you could not use a "censored" thumbnail itself, because it would then be "misleading" as to what is in the image... (this is all despite the fact that they already have a nudity flag and filter to hide nudity from those who don't want to see it).

So, I created an image that was entirely the word "Censored!" to test their stupid rules. What else could I use as a thumbnail but the image itself? It was determined by the moderators that the thumbnail wasn't a violation, even though it containted the word "Censored", because it as an accurate depiction of the image itself. What can I say, they've really jumped the shark over there at Rendo. But that's ok. It's part of why I have RCG. ;)

Bonus Note: "Gratuitous T&A" was created and posted right before the new thumbnail deadline. It wouldn't be able to be used on Rendo now b/c Rena's bikini bottom is too small. Oola's massive cleavage is fine.
01/01/2008 11:36 AM Offline Giolon giolon at
Darth Assassin
Can't Decide

I really don't have a favorite out of all of your works. No, that doesn't mean I don't like any of them. The Twi'lek's are my all-time favorites (especially the Shadowplays). I also like your other Star Wars stuff, like those Mara Jade Cheesecakes. It's just that I really can't single out one pic out of the many that you have. However, (even though this defies everything I just said) I reall have to say that my top list of favorites is
1. Daru (Twi'lek, not human)
2. Oola
3. Lana
4. Mara Jade
5. Ciel
Anyway, keep up the good work, and Happy NEw Year!
01/01/2008 07:11 PM  
Got ya.

I cannot recall the whole incedent though, what happened?
01/01/2008 08:17 PM  

Join Date: 06/06/2006
Comments: 22
Happy New Year !

I was absent during some days and was not thus able to see the last images of 2007. Simply beautiful ! Happy New Year 2008!
01/02/2008 12:58 AM Offline Thomas kempo-kay at

Great last year! Hope you have a happy new one!
01/02/2008 10:12 AM  

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