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Sefi Ar'lya Forum Signature
Sefi Ar'lya Forum Signature


Sefi Ar'lya Forum Signature
Description: Update 03/31/08: I am taking an extended break from SWG. Will it be for good? Who knows, but until Spy is in better PvE shape, Sefi will be taking an extended trip journeying in deep space.

My signature for the Star Wars Galaxies forum:

Do you really want to download it? Probably not, but I just wanted to post a high-res version and offer some of my current thoughts on SWG.

I'm shocked to say it but I'm playing Star Wars Galaxies again for the first time in nearly two years. As some of you may know, my inspiration for Daru was my Jump To Lightspeed beta character. Once she was deleted (with the end of the beta), I began to miss her, but it wasn't until a year or so afterwards that I found the capabilities to bring her back to life! You could say I rebuilt her, stronger, faster, better looking than before!

So, if you play, look for me on Bria as Sefi Ar'lya. If you haven't played, well I recommend giving it a try. If you used to play, but left because of all the bullshit the developers put the game through, I just want to point out that they have had nearly an entirely new team in charge for the past 6-8 months and these new guys really seem to know what they're doing. They're finally focused on making the existing player base happy, instead of chasing after that ever elusive "untapped audience." And surprisingly, doing so is actually bringing back old players...

I'm writing a quick guide for SWGVault for returning vets and what they need to know to turn off the ghetto FPS aspects of the game to return it to the MMORPG-like gameplay that it used to have (and still does, although its buried).

Somewhat surprisingly, I've discovered my work has a few fans over there in the SWG community! I am considering taking up signature work commissions, but before I do that I owe at least one long time fan a requested image. He knows who he is and he's been waiting patiently for a very long time...

Also, I've submitted a slightly tamed "The New Face of the Rebellion" for the SWG Fan Art section, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it'll appear...
Keywords: Star, Wars, Galaxies, Signature, Sefi, Daru, SWG
Date: 05/25/2007 03:15 AM
Hits: 36472
Downloads: 86
Rating: 4.67 (3 Vote(s))
File size:
Added by: Giolon

Author: Comment:
very nice

I was thinking about coming back for Chapter 6... to at least see if it grows on me. Of course my guild is dead... I am Druu Scandana on Naritus. How is the game so far?
05/25/2007 05:09 AM  
Kaleefax Oonati

I managed to play the game slightly for about 10 mins on a friends account a LONG time ago, i was addicted, Didnt have the money...I played it on my Brothers it was...Dissapointing, But i'm playing again, it actually seems to be fun now, You just need friends...

Kaleefax on Chilastra
05/25/2007 02:50 PM  

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187
Is the Force strong with this one?

Galaxies is always a game I have been curious and intrigued about. However, due to my PC being old (and when I say old, I mean OLD) I have never had the chance. When I finally buy a modern PC later this year I will look into the game.

I love RPGs and I love Star Wars. The whole Star Wars universe is just ripe for role-playing. I will be interested to see whether I can play out my Dark Jedi that I crafted in the other games.
05/25/2007 07:41 PM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at

Join Date: 05/15/2006
Comments: 71
great stuff

I don't play, and honestly I fear this will cut into your rendering time. Suggestion, hit the "render" button, THEN enter the game (assuming your rig can handle that).

As for the SWG following, today a google search found my name and yours (and radiant CG) on some SWG forum. It's funny how things spread...
05/25/2007 08:59 PM Offline chimera46 chimera46 at

Yeah i actually found this site by accident MONTHS ago. Checked it out every other day or so since. Then saw your returning to SWG announcent and was like "woah" lol

Then i see you ingame talking to Raax(good friend of mine for years, since his LD days with you) and that made the "woah" even bigger lol
You talked to my gf ingame yesterday i believe. lol
When you have time add -ace- to your friendslist and send me a tell.
05/25/2007 11:16 PM  
Hey Solaris

It was great 4 years ago... I was one of the last of my guild to leave the game 3 1/2 years later... To me it lost a lot of what made it great... though I have heard they have made great strides to return it to its former glory. Unfortunately it is too late for most die hard vets.

I may log in this weekend just to see though.
05/26/2007 06:45 AM  

I heard they were cleaning out inactive accounts now... Kinda sucks 'cuz I was considering coming back (I had stopped playing August 2006)
05/27/2007 08:16 AM  

Join Date: 05/12/2006
Comments: 144
Re: Cleaning

Nope, DAWUSS. That's not exactly correct. What they are doing is packing up houses of inactive accounts to clear up some land for the people who actively play. All it does is puts your house (w/ all items and decorations intact) into your datapad. No wookiees will be harmed in the process. Well, maybe a few.

Edit: AND, the cutoff date for houses that are being packed up is July 2006. Since you previously played until August, your house should stay right where it is. ;) But I'd love to hang out in game.
05/27/2007 12:01 PM Offline Giolon giolon at
30 years?

sry for off-topic:

Yo Giolon, where is youre 30. Anniversery (hard word for non-english speaking folks) present? I missed it hardly on the last days. :D
05/28/2007 07:46 AM  
My toons are all on Ahazi

And I know (at least before I left) that Bria and Ahazi liked each other like Michigan and Ohio State.

And I'm not too worried about losing my house spot... I picked it in the boonies of Rori
05/28/2007 07:14 PM  

I used to play but I don't have the money, If you create a character in the Narutis Galaxy, you may catch Jart Wrestpant hanging around Lok or Dantooine, but not right now. It sucks, 14 buck a month.
06/01/2007 07:24 PM  

hehe, I play a cute little Rebel Bothan too, but on Gorath ;) . And my first Mastered Professions at SWG US-Release was Ranger/Rifleman ;) . Then I was over 1 1/2 Years Master Bounty Hunter, later as it was Possible Master Pistoleer too (long time befor the CU comes around). Yet he is a Spy.
06/13/2007 02:17 PM  
SHadow fire ANd TC

Kleho- Lightdust on SHadowfire and Kleho lightdust on Tc if anyone cares....
06/19/2007 09:54 PM  
Twi'lek character on Farstar server

Hi! This is some really great images you have ^^

I am currently (and always was) active on the euro-farstar server on SWG. Ingame name is Annatha if you want to chat or visit :o)
12/05/2007 11:05 AM  

So wait, you have Daru ON SWG? wow. She's a musician, right? Because that's the only way to get the kinds of clothes u mean.
11/27/2009 03:56 PM  
Twi'lek Spy/medic Bria

Can find me on bria on Ont'ek Illalcho either being hated by imperials for spy ganking or hated for keeping people alive :)
06/02/2010 02:09 PM  

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