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Christmas Maiden - '07 Edition!
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Trendy Twi'lek Girls!
Trendy Twi'lek Girls!


Trendy Twi'lek Girls!
Description: Small remix update for this wallpaper -- but I'll justify it by pointing out what should be obvious: Lana's new outfit debut!

I'll also point out that the renders of Daru and Rena are newly redone for this image (re-lit both and Daru partially reposed) and higher res than either original. The full download resolution of this image is 5333x4000 (4:3 so it should scale down nicely to nearly any standard background resolution you need).

So here all 5 girls are together ready for a night of clubbing on Coruscant! I'm kinda feeling like they might need a sixth to round out the numbers, but (if she were to appear) what color would she be?
Keywords: Twi'lek Trendy Group Daru Lana Rena Oola Ciel
Date: 05/12/2007 09:40 PM
Hits: 86744
Downloads: 1285
Rating: 4.93 (15 Vote(s))
File size:
Added by: Giolon

Author: Comment:

Well... you never did do a yellow one as I suggested oh-so-long ago on TF.N ;) Maybe you should make a yellow one... OR... I just thought of something... you could do a white Twi'lek; or rather, more the color of Bib Fortuna.
05/13/2007 12:24 AM  

Join Date: 07/26/2006
Comments: 9

"The range of possible Twi'lek skin colors was extremely diverse, including green, orange, brown, yellow, gray, pink, black, white, and purple, all in varying shades and hues. Other types of Twi'leks included the particularly rare turquoise-skinned Twi'leks, known as Rutian Twi'leks, and the rarest red pigment of the Lethan Twi'leks, whose skin color was caused by a mutation of the genetic code."

Got that from Wookiepedia. I'd sat a Rutian Twi'lek would be a good next step, that'd be a hot, colorful roundup to your ladies. You already have Lethan covered, though a Pink one wouldn't be bad, she'd look a bit like a stick of double bubble. :P
05/13/2007 01:35 AM Offline jubilee jubinsh at
new twi'lek

My money is on yellow... Like the Twin Suns picture... There's no way to do Lekku markings is there?
05/13/2007 04:53 AM  

Simply... Amazing... Must drop by Coruscant sometime.

Lana's outfit is really cute, I'd love to see another rend of it pretty soon. A few more angles, maybe another pose? Something like "Ciel - Trendy Twi'lek", maybe? The boots are fantastic ! Not sure about the top and the jacket, but thats just me.

My fave of Daru, I've got a thing against those little earmuff things. I'd really love to see Oola without them, but I've always felt that they just don't work. Ah well, its your CG, although I have noticed you seem to be moving away from them these days. I think it makes the Lekku more beautiful if you can see the side of their face more, and this model really does have good ears to go with em. Nothing personal though, if you like earmuffs, thats up to you.

Also, its been a while since you've done a Twil'ek girl on set, so maybe something like this with a background, with a bit of interaction between them? If you've got the time, that is.

Sorry for the massive posts again, when I do get around to writing one, I tend to say a lot. Love to see more of Lana's new outfit, dying for a shot from behind. *winks*

Thanks for another great background,
05/13/2007 06:40 AM  

Nice combining some of youre good pics into one great one. Say Where is that Lana pic is it a new one?
05/13/2007 01:05 PM  

Join Date: 05/15/2006
Comments: 71

I'd say go for the Bib Fortuna albino look. I've never been able to get a good white skin texture, though cujoe and ellpro over at renderosity have some good examples of white twi'leks. You may want to check them out/ask them how they did it.

Edit: To add to my earlier comment, Warangel on renderosity also has an excellent white twi'lek character as well.
05/13/2007 01:27 PM Offline chimera46 chimera46 at

Join Date: 12/10/2006
Comments: 31
New Wallpaper.

Yes, I think this will be my new Wallpaper :). Very nice picture.
05/13/2007 04:23 PM Offline Bonafide
6th Twi'lek

Why not have her in a humanesque color?
05/13/2007 05:45 PM  

Join Date: 05/22/2006
Comments: 187
Juicy Fruits

Great image of all the girls together. I kind of feel like I am looking through a selection box of assorted fruit sweets: which one should I pick?

Lana looks awesome in that outfit, it really suits her. And damn if her top doesn't look busy! I'm suddenly reminded of those bouncy castles I used to go on when I was a kid.

The thing is, if I ahem...had a go on Lana, I'd feel I was cheating on Ciel (she's still my fave), should be considering Daru (my 2nd fave), neglecting Oola (as she is the cute, shy one) and had forgotten about Rena. ARRGHHH! The agony of choice!

The solution? Make a rainbow coloured Twi'lek for the sixth girl. That should cover everybody's tastes.

But then again if you did that, we'd all want the new Twi'lek and leave the other poor five all alone. Damn, it's hard work. :-p
05/13/2007 06:48 PM Offline Solaris_Wave Solaris_Wave at
Decisions, decisions

Everybody has their favorite, thats why G's work is so great, cause whatever your taste, he does somethin just for you. Ah well, you can go with Lana, I'll handle Ciel for ya, trust me.
05/15/2007 05:42 AM  
Wa wa wi wa!

Another awesome pic!
05/15/2007 04:55 PM  

superb image , great work :D
05/16/2007 03:13 AM  

Join Date: 11/22/2006
Comments: 3

Super pics
05/16/2007 04:51 AM Offline Spirit

Daru looks great!! again excelent work by Giolon!!
05/16/2007 07:28 AM  
Dude with a head full of junk
Another great one.

You do such a great job with your artwork.

Also, a solo of lana in that outfit would be great.
The leather in her outfit seems just a little glossy though, but other than that, it's just stunning!
05/16/2007 03:12 PM  

Join Date: 05/12/2006
Comments: 144
re: glossy

it's basically a latex-like material
05/16/2007 03:18 PM Offline Giolon giolon at

Join Date: 12/10/2006
Comments: 31

Lana's outfit is intentionally glossy, it is PVC latex.

Look at ciels pants for comparison, they are leather.
05/17/2007 03:26 PM Offline Bonafide
Dude with a head full of junk
It's all clear now.

Aahhh I see.
05/28/2007 11:44 AM  
I've finally decided

The bra buster is definately The chick in orange. It was kinda a tie between red and green and orange (there are so very few pics of them all together and the didn't cose up too much either.) So, does anything in her closet not end up ripped in the front area? GO BUSTY, I mean, Lana.....
06/01/2007 02:35 PM  
My Favorite

Oh man, how did I miss this one! Its perfect! This one completely shows each ones personality, not only in their posture, but in their style of clothes and expressions!
This is seriously one of my favorites cause it best expresses your seriousness with each one. You were able to perfectly portray each one yet not lose focus on any other them
making them all beautifully fit in the image. Ive also seen your art on rendorsity, really nice. I mostly only leave comments here though, rendorsity is cool an all but
I'd rather leave most of the comments on your personal site. [...] Where was I? Oh yea,
nice artwork, I think you not only did your most challenging but open minded image yet. Expressing not only one mind frame but five, along with what I said about
portraying each ones personality. Doing such is very difficult to do without distracting the viewer from each Twi'lek. Something I haven't even perfected yet.
06/30/2007 01:01 AM  
Darth Assassin

Personally, even though you already have Daru, I think you should have Aayla Secura in here. I mean, she lives on Coruscant, and she'd probably look beautiful the way you make Twi'leks.
03/07/2008 05:36 PM  

gonna be a great wallpaper
07/07/2008 08:55 AM  

great picture
yellow all the way
What other colors are there
10/21/2008 03:58 PM  

Join Date: 05/23/2010
Comments: 11

Really need to make a stop at Coruscant some time.
I'd be hanging with these girls all night long.
Very nice, i know it's a late comment, but i just simply love it.
They're looking extremely sexy.
02/24/2011 06:01 AM Offline Rhapsodos

Join Date: 12/22/2010
Comments: 3

I think that you should do a pink, a white (and I don't mean skin colour I mean pure white) or a black one (again I mean pure black).
09/07/2011 10:49 AM Offline acul acul1999 at

Join Date: 02/24/2012
Comments: 2

this pic is amazing your a freakin genius giolon
02/24/2012 05:34 PM Offline leumas

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